20 : Pounding

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Saint glances at Gulf as they both know he's kinda nervous and stuff,

Gulf headed first as Mild slowed his steps so he can walk with the three...

"Gulf knew that Mew will be here" Mild sigh and shake his head "Both of them are just too much in denial. What a headache"

Then walked fast so he could catches up with Gulf.

The look at each other, well... More like glancing at each other.

"Does Mild request this on purpose or what?" Tommy finally leap a word after seeing them far from the rest "Maybe Mild just wanted the two to talk" Saint calmly said "Or maybe Mild's having headache because of the two" Tommy said back irritated "Maybe Mild took no one's side... that's why he wanted them to be back than to keep themselves drunk each and every night" Max commented and look at each of his brothers "I hate to make it up but Mild's a different kind of person... He don't want to see anyone having heartbreak" "Why is it so?" Tommy asked while Saint stayed silent, just listening to every single word from Max's mouth "Mild's having that huge heartbreak in the past. He was cheated and betrayed by his own long time lover and by his own best friend... Then,  that great impact of pain came when both of the two died on a car accident while running away to start a life as part of their plan" "How--- How did you know this Max?" Saint asked as he now understand why Mild was being that way "Why I know? I've known Max since 3rd grade... Me and Gulf known each other before Tommy known Gulf and vice versa... I was on the 1st grade when I know Gulf and Mild while I was on the 5th grade when I meet and known Tommy then you, when I'm a middle school student" Saint nod at Max "You've meet them way more than any of us ever did" Max smiled at them "But it wasn't the best part of my life though... I wasn't regretting of knowing you both but, I lost my Mom as the time I know my Biological father... Yet, something's here that makes me more grateful. Do you know what was it?" They shake their heads "I'm grateful because I never get to run those things myself and get myself to be in an arrange marriage... I was being free from my Mother's side tradition... and having a great life with you" Tommy hugged him without any care if it hurts Max or not while Saint hugged him gently "We're the same... We both were grateful by knowing each other"

Just after that very time, they let go of Max "But there's someone we missed knowing tho" They looked at him "Who?" Tommy and Saint asked in unison "We have that one brother left... He was staying far from here. Her mom doesn't need Dad at all... She raised him up all by herself but during that one tournament I was on before, I get to know him and his mom said that since he's all grown up, it was better to at least meeting his brothers" Max said "Gulf already knew about the meeting. That's why I'm telling you two"

And Max started to walk towards the place where they held that event.

"Who could he be?" Tommy asked Saint who just shrugs cause he also doesn't know who that is.

Then followed Max...

Just as they both arrived on that place, They saw the sightings they never expect coming...

Mew and Gulf...

They were sitting side by side...

They look at them, seeing the eyes of longing and missing...

Then they saw three seats at the back near Gulf and headed straight there.

Gulf was trying to pull any of them but got stopped by Mild,  he look at him like he's telling him that he hates sitting with Mew but Mild shakes his head as if telling him to stay put.

Gulf sign and rolled his eyes then stayed there, back to his straight and annoyed face as the oldest Director came to give long speech.

He later turn back to see His brothers when Mew look back to talk to his brothers as well when their Faces are inches apart, can feel each other's breath and eyes are meeting like the very first time they ever laid to each other's eyes... Hearts skipping a beat once again, that 'I Love Yous' are on the tip of each other's tounge as tears are starting to form...

Gulf's the one who turn his attention away from Mew as the other locked his eyes on the person he once loved and was once part of his life yet undeniably, Each wanted to be back to one's arms all over again. As that one certain person whom Gulf knew once, that one person he heard that Mew was dating just a week ago, came and give Mew a kiss on his cheeks. What hurt Gulf more? He heard her calling Mew 'Babe'...

Gulf look back at his brothers, no words are being said as the three sigh, knowing Gulf's heart was again broke into million of pieces...

Max reaches Gulf's hand "Wanna go somewhere Atleast for a while?" Gulf nod and stood up while Max followed...

Tommy stayed there with Saint and Mild as Mild transfered next to them, "Gulf won't tell anyone about his pain except to Max so it's better for us to stay here" Then look at them "I'm like that as well... I won't tell anyone about my pain except to Max. I don't know, maybe Max had this aura that can understand every little things... Though he look so tough and strict, Max understand and will always be there for you... Will give his attention and his ears for you" He look at the front "Max was something... really something" Tommy and Saint smile "Max was something special that no matter how hard life gives him... He still choose to give you strength" Saint said "He's always been here for us, what more if he falls inlove once again"

Little did they know, Mew overheard them... and thought what if he'll talk with Max, but he's too scared maybe Max would hit him or worst, kill him for hurting Gulf.

He just look down as he feel his heart broke once again.

Max passed Gulf a drink as they sat on one of the campus' benches...

"Thank you" Max then sit next to him, waiting patiently for Gulf to start a conversation so he can't be that rude to asked first himself...

After Gulf closed the bottle and sigh,

"I didn't know why I can't seem to move on, when he's already making new beginning with the one he truly love... this time"

Tears escaping Gulf's eyes as he wiped it with his sleeves,

"I know he's cheats for more that 4 times but I also know that with the very last time he went home super late, I know he didn't cheat at that very time but what more can you expect right? I left... so he can be freely love that new one"

He then look at Max,

"But even so he cheated over and over... my heart still screams his name and it hurts as bad as hell! I don't know Max! I--I don't... Don't know what to do..."

Max moved closer to Gulf and hugged him tight so he can feel secure, as Gulf take Max's arms as his crying pillow...

No words are exchanged, just Gulf's cries... and that gentle caress on Gulf's head and back from Max.

There's no words can explain how much Gulf suffers right now, no words can explain how much pain he had and No words came from Max's mouth... Just having that pain... That pain Gulf was feeling.

Does it hurt?

Does it really hurt?

Will Gulf can come out from that hurt?

Will the hurt stop?

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