15 : Jimmy~

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Night came as the moon rises to its peak as much as the stars above twinkling like a happy cub.

Zee stayed inside his room, thinking he's asleep?  No, he's not. He's just laying in bed... Imagining Saint's face, not that happy one but earlier that day,

His eyes are forming tears and there's nothing he could do... Thinking why Saint can't and won't believe.

Zee sigh deeply as a knock on his door was heard then followed by seeing Jimmy coming inside. Zee then sat up as his brother took a sit on his bed.

"I just came by to know what's wrong" Jimmy started as he look straight to his brother who's hugging his own legs while his back hitting the wall next to his own bed.

Jimmy waited for Zee's answer but he just look down, he sigh and continued "I saw you cried... Nat even told me that You and Saint talk something over before I saw you standing there alone as you cried like a Highschool kid crying because of some unrequited love" Zee finally look at his brother as his eyes are showing its tears, Jimmy look at him... wanting to hug him but Zee's different from Nat "Zee, you can tell me... I won't judge" Then He pulled Zee near him to give him warm hugs, Zee just let him do as he want...

Giving him hugs? He let him.

Stroking his hair? He let him.

He's hurt...

Then he finally said what happened thar time,

"I was in love"

Jimmy nod as he wanted him to say his whole words.

"I was in love with Saint..."

His heart ached in too much pain,

"But seems like he don't believe it"

He cried on Jimmy's arms,

"I told him that he's the one I love and nobody else's but he can't seem to accept it. He even told that I'm just playing games and that... That Monica was the one I'm seeing. It hurts so bad Jim..."

Jimmy give him a tighter hugs,

"Are we still going to suffer from Mew's misunderstanding from the past? Jim... Saint was Gulf's younger brother and... and..." Zee can't make it done, it hurts him a lot...

As Zee's younger brother,  he was too hurt as he saw him being like that... Boys had more sensitive side than girls but they just tend to act as if they don't feel anything in particular but deep inside? They want to end it all at once.

For some time Zee kept on crying until he came to fall asleep but before he could finally drifted, some words strike Jimmy's heart like a bullet...

"Am I that hard to love Jim?"


"Then why can't the person whom I love can't love me back?"

It leaves Jim in secret tears. Yes, a secret tears...

He then tucked Zee in before leaving his brother's room. Just in he closed the door behind him, he saw Nat fall asleep outside... He knelt down and saw that his brother's eyes were swollen.

"He's crying" he thought as his heart hurt as bad as it is... He then carried Nat to his own room, same as the usual, he tucked him to bed and left the room silently.

"Guess,  I need some fresh air... My heart needs it" he thought as he close the door behind him.

He went down and found Mew laying on the couch as he smell alcohol, he stare at him from the stairs "You're still hurting Mew... Why did you always have to run away? Why do you have to turn ways just to never meet Gulf's way? If you truly wanted him back... Is it that hard to explain yourself if you've done nothing wrong? I truly don't and can't  understand you sometimes, You change the atmosphere once Gulf was in the topic. Who actually went wrong Mew? You or him? Were you mad because he just left all suddenly? Mew... Let us understand you sometimes" He sigh and shook his head

He then walked to him and was going to carry him up,

"Gulf... I'm sorry, It's all my fault... I shouldn't lie to you. Please come back, I'm sorry" Mew held Jimmy's hand as his eyes are closed but tears coming out

It makes Jim pause on that spot... Looking all pity on his brother, he sigh as Mew goes back to his sleep and then carried him on his back upstairs.

That night was full of pain to his brothers and he too feel the same thing. He's now sitting on his room's balcony, looking up at the night sky...

That pain of missing someone hits him right,

"Mom, Dad... What should I do now? Brothers are hurt... Does love really like this? I don't know what should I do---"

He then look back as his door cracked open... slowly and carefully. He took a stand as his heart was racing so bad...

"Who's there?"

He breath deep as he saw one dark figure,

His room was dark since he turn his lights off, then that figure moves closer and closer to where he is...

"Who's this man?" Jimmy thought as he feel so much terrified, he don't want to shout and to wake his brothers up or else they might be in danger if he'll do that.

Jimmy moved backwards... Then he tripped over and fell off of the balcony!

He closed his eyes then he opened his eyes as he feel that someone grabbed his arm and was trying to pull him off, yet since he can't see the face... He thinks that he rather die than to be saved by that figure.

Jimmy had a big night that time, so who do you think that figure was? When both Zee, Nat and Mew was and ready been tucked in bed by himself...

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