37 : Past_Reveal [WARNING🚨]

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And so as what you noticed, I put [🚨] cause of some usage of words (e.g. guns, kill etc.) Though it was somehow too mild but let's just be careful. Thank youuu... But maybe there might get trigger so, I put the warning on display.


So I'm gonna talk or tell here about how everything put in places...


It was years and years ago, where every little things around In Na, Yu Hwa and Kyun Sang are at ease, to when they are still free to love and to do whatever they wanted.

Not until on the year 1990, where everything started to crumbles down...

Kyun Sang with their Mom and Dad happened to meet that accident where they are put to comatose.

In Na and Yu Hwa are left,

Left with their Uncle...

That greedy stepson of their grandparents.

He was part of that group which already exists before they were born...

Both girls are being tortured... cruelly...

But despite of those, In Na, the oldest of thd three... She found a guy who can love her and was always trying to protect her. Nickhun,

Year 1992,

2 years of being maltreatment and heartless tortures...

He came up with a plan.

A plan which it all begun...

He wanted In Na to marry the son of that filthy monster, who already had a wife... and was pregnant, same due as In Na.

"I can't marry him! I'm pregnant---" Yu Hwa covered her mouth as she heard footsteps, and uncovered when it was all safe...

"I don't want you to be hurt In Na... I'll take your place---" "No! I don't want you to---" Yu Hwa smile at her "I'll be fine, just make sure my nephew will be safe... I want him to grow up strong and brave." Tears escaping from both of their eyes... as Yu Hwa continued "I want you to name him Gulf... I really love to call him when he'll come out to this world as Gulf-ah or could it be My Gulfie Du Sarang" She wipe In Na's tears away "And if you'll born another baby, either boy or girl... I want you to name it... Frank" In Na slightly chuckled at her "Frank? Isn't it for a boy only?" Yu Hwa shakes her head "I just want you to use my late fiancée's nickname Frank... remember he's Franklinton" she tilt her head and smile at her 'Unnie'

But after months...

They learned that, that woman was Nickhun's cousin...

In Na and Yu Hwa looked at her as she wept in the arms of Nickhun...

"She had miscarriage" Yu Hwa abruptly look at her sister who's slightly feeling it,

"Don't tell me In Na..."

Tears are escaping rapidly from her eyes, Yes... In Na was feeling so broken... Her heart is already aching.

"Yu Hwa..."

She look up at her sister as tears streaming down her eyes "She's so helpless... She'll get killed by Them because of her miscarriage... and if Uncle learn about my pregnancy, You too will be at risk" Yu Hwa shakes her head as tears keep on coming out "What about you? Aren't you going to be that broken if you put Gulf away?" "Do you want to see a helpless woman being killed because of miscarriage? Yu Hwa, I know Sunotri can really do take a great care of our Gulf... She was Nickhun's cousin to begin with... I'll give Sunotri happiness and life despite of me, being heartbroken"

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