22 : Meeting / Openly

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Someone called from outside his room,


His door cracked open,

Footsteps are moving towards the sleeping boy,


A pair of hands slowly shakes him...

And that someone sat on his bed,

"I don't know if you can hear this or not... but I decided to meet them"

A movement from the bed was felt,

"It's already midnight and you're sneaking here at my room"

Frank sat up and lean his back to the wall,

"When will you be meeting them? Mom and Dad will go to China too soon..."

Win look back at his brother "Mom talked to me that we'll move to Bangkok, at Dad's residency... and that both of us will transfer to where my other brothers studied" Frank just looked at his mattress then back to Win "I guess that's better" Win look around his brother's room and spotted that picture frame "You still had it" Win look back at him "Sadly, Yes..." "Me too... I still had our promise bracelet" Win rolled up his sleeve then covered it back "I still can't believe he did it twice... I'm just being that fool, still loving him" "You just always forget..." Frank bitterly smile "Forget what?" "Forget to unloved someone..." Frank sigh "That someone we had once and... will staying for long here in our hearts. We always forget to unloved them because we're too much inlove with the one who's not... maybe... not meant for us to have"

Win look down, he knew to himself that Frank's also in too much pain and missing... but they're not the same, Frank's been through more pain than him. He can't imagine how much it takes for Frank to just let go of the one he truly love... That up until now, he's missing and loving him still.

"Do you know Frank?"

Win finally said back after few silence... Frank look up at him,

"Do you know how much I still love Bright? That no matter how hard I try to forget him, his face was all I can see. I don't know why... It's been years since we broke up but he's still the one I see. I want to stop loving him but it seems like my heart won't. Am I still alright?" Tears came flowing from his eyes, Frank moved and hugged Win as Win hugged back... clinging into him "Am I not enough? Did I lack something? Did I lack too much by giving him love? Was his promise fake? Am I just a rebound or something? Why can't he love me as much as I love him?" Win cried on Frank's arms as Frank caressing him...

Little did they know, their Mom and her husband was outside Frank's room, since the door had a little cracked on it... They heard all of Win and Frank's exchanged words. It hurts them, hearing Win's in too much pain after those years and how much pain Frank endures by that separation. Tears escapes their eyes as they hugged each other...

Never thought that those happy days turns to be the most painful days now. Those dream of having happy ending ends with Sad one.


"Said Win will come?" Gulf started as they ate breakfast at a restaurant together with Mild "Said he'll come over..." Max responded, then turn to see Tommy and Saint who are staying silent "What's wrong with you?" The two look up at Max in unison with a 'hmm?' Together, that makes Max, Mild and Gulf chuckle "Are you two nervous with just meeting Win?" Mild tease "Don't you both be that nervous. Win won't bite nor Frank---" Max was cut by Gulf "Frank? His younger brother? He's going to bring him too?" Max looked at Gulf who's face lit up with just by hearing Frank's name. Max nod "Win said he and Frank will transfer here too... so as he'll come over, he'll be bringing Frank. Why?" Gulf smiled from ear to ear "Don't you know? Frank's a great painter and was so great in playing soccer? He's still so young but... Wow!" They looked at Gulf but his smile turns into a sad one,

"We used to watched Frank's game... I always take a bet on him while Mew take a bet on his cousin. But it always ended up with Frank's team... He was a great kid with a beautiful and cheerful smile. But that smile fades years ago... I don't know what happened, no one knows..."

But to their surprise, someone responded by Gulf's words...

"Because he was broken"

They turn and saw Win together with Frank, they stood up and greet them...

Frank smile at Gulf "Nice meeting you again Gulf. It's been years since the last time I saw you watching our game" Frank give Gulf a little smile as Gulf nodded "Yeah, it's been years"

Then they sat down together,

After Win and Frank's done with their orders while others are watching them, got mesmerised by them...

Win broke that silent awkward atmosphere,

"Frank stopped Painting after those time"

They turn to look at Win

"Why?" Mild asked as he look at Frank "It only reminds me of that person if I'll continue painting" Frank look back at Mild. "You're hiding something right Frank?" They saw Frank sigh... Saint reaches Frank's hand and held it "It's okay, we're on your side"

Frank smile at Saint "I hope you won't end up like us" Saint bitterly smile "Do whatever you want. If it hurts, let it be... That's how we can measure that we're loving someone so dearly"

"Max and Frank had similarities"

They turn to Gulf "Max always do says those things..." Win smile and seconded "Frank as well"

Then they started to share random things... Little by little, Frank and Win let out a laugh which made them happy.

"I never thought meeting you are this great. I never laugh since me and that person broke up... it's been years now" Win said with a smile on his face "I was just too afraid that maybe if I'll be happy again, I'll lose someone so dearly to me like how I lose him" Tommy pat his back "You'll never gonna lose us... We'll be here with you till end" Tommy give him a reassuring smile.

"Hey! What if we'll go off with some drink tonight? I really want it so bad" Mild suggested which made everyone agrees except for one, Frank...

He looked at Saint then sigh...

"You go Frank?" Gulf asked as Frank nodded "Call! Everyone's in! I actually know a place" Gulf said happily.

While everyone's talked randomly and since Frank & Saint sat next to each other,

The younger secretly whispered to Saint like...

"Whatever happens, understand the other first Saint..."

Saint look at him, confused as Frank look at him and smile which match his nod before putting his attention back to Gulf and others.

That was left Saint thinking what was Frank meant...

"What do you really mean by that Frank?"

He thought at first then later decided to brush it off.

How about you? What do you think Frank just said? Does that something connected to each of them?

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