33 : One with Two and Three found

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Zee turn around from looking outside his room's window and found Bright walking inside "Anything arrived?" But what Zee saw on Bright's eyes are being worried,

"Does Mew got anything?" Before Bright could answer, he heard him sigh "They once found Frank and Drake but now they lost them" Zee looking at him in disbelief as Bright continued "Drake brought Frank to Kaownah but they thought that They found him so Kaownah let them take the escape path---" "How's Kaownah then?" Bright slightly rolled his eyes "Kaownah's alright, it was Miss who arrived... I just hope that either Toptop & First or Earth & Fluke  can finally trace the ones we're looking and hope Toptap & First can find Frank and Drake---" "Why them? How about Toytoy, Park, Prem, Poppy & Chimon, they were in that field---" "Have you forgot?! Poppy, Park, Prem and Chimon aren't with us!" And that brought Zee sitting back to his bed as Bright just stayed there, looking at him "They aren't dead yet... but---" "Zee, they aren't our traitor..." Zee look up at him "Not a traitor?! When they served THEM?! What do you call that---"

But the next respond got Zee off guard by words,


He looked at Bright, too confused

"They were sent to do a mission or whatsoever... It's up to them if they'll turn to being a traitor or a secret comrade---"

Bright got interrupted as Nat went inside with Jim...

The two looked at them, waiting to spill some words...

"Zee... Bright..."

Jim started,

"What is it? Why in panic---" Nat suddenly interrupted Zee with

"Gulf found his brothers aren't at home..."

That makes them shocked... their hearts dropped,

"We... We better help---"

Nat interrupted Bright "Mew told us to stay inside until Miss or Toytoy arrived to pick us up---" "But Win might be in depth danger---"


They looked at Jimmy "He told me that Win escaped... And that we must focus on looking for Frank and Drake then Win... Before they found them"

"Who's He?" Zee curiously asked his brother and the next thing they heard made them disbelieving their ears.


"Where does Miss want you to take us?" The one who's beside to the driver look at them "Not on the main camp, they might trace you two there... but somewhere else where you and your brothers once stumbled across" Drake rests his back while thinking of places, Frank look at him and back to them "Are my brothers alright at home---" "I don't think so Frank, Mew sent us message earlier that they aren't at home and Jimmy's friend sent us message that Win's not with them" "So Win... He might be in danger right now---" He look back again to Frank "No Frank, there's a big possibility that Win's safer... and that the others are in total disaster and danger" He look to the one who's in wheels and back to them "That's why we better find Win before they found him again..." the next question take them aback

"Are we safe with you? Can you really be trusted?"

Tears are forming on Frank's eyes...

"Cause I rather be the bait or the total sacrifice but please don't let it be my brothers... I'm willing to give my life! Please don't make it them---" Drake pulled Frank into his arms as he let him cry on,

One of the guys sigh and lean his back, looking outside... feeling hopeless and too much sadness.

Frank drifted to sleep while been wrapped by Drake's arms. He fall asleep while crying that sadly and painfully.

He know how hurt Frank was... He's thinking and blaming himself.. Everyone can feel that pain...

"You alright?"

The one who's driving asked him and he only receives shake heads,

"You look so sad, more that the other days"

He slightly smile at him...

"Win's my best friend... We only got separated at the time when I left to Japan for my dreams... I never thought that---"

Not until they passed one of those silent alleys, his eyes widened and tap the one's driving unstoppable until he pulled over...

He walked out from the car... Tears forming as his lips widened slowly...

He breath in, deeply... and shouted that one's man.


He's waiting for him to turn around and to see him...

Win heard that... but he's hesitant

"It can't be my buddy... He left me for years, he's in Japan---"

The voice called him again...

"Win! Turn around!"

Win breath in... His guts kicks in and telling that it was 'Him'

And he's never been wronged.

Win turn to his direction, Tears came out from his eyes... It was a heavy one.

Cause who would expect to see the guy who's been with you through your nonsense moments be right across you? And so, without further ado... He run towards him as the other was only waiting for him,

Tears already are forming around that man's eyes... Waiting patiently for his friend to arrive next to him.

His friend who's like his own brother, who aimlessly talked random things with him... back in times...

Win arrived in front of him and wrapping himself under his friend's arms... while sobbing so hard,

He pat his back gently as he cried with him,

"Where are you? We've been looking so hard for you Win!"

He could only feel Win's tight hugs...

"I'm so scared..."

"It's alright... we got you..."

Win tighten his grip... as he cry on him too weakly, he's terrified... He's shaking undeniably,

"I'm so scared... I'm so terrified..."

"We got you... we're here---"

Win interrupted him,

"Please don't leave me again... Please... Don't leave me again..."

He let out a happy sigh, between his sobs... and utter his friend's beautiful name...

"Please... First Kanaphan"

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