48: Right behind the breakup •MewGulf•

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It was said that Kaownah's practicing in front of Mild about his proposal right

Yes, that's true but that very moment... Mild was actually dating a Korean guy from the faculty of Engineering, he's secretly dating Park Jaeil... Everyone thought that the two, Kaownah and Mild have feelings to each other but the truth is? They don't. Mild was just close to Kaownah and especially to Turbo who's always been his partner whatever projects their professor gave them. And only Kaownah and Turbo knows about Mild and Jaeil and no one else. Though Mild was Gulf's 'brother' he intend not to tell anyone cause of the fact that 'HE'S NOT YET READY FOR THEIR REACTION' while there's Jaeil, who's still waiting until his Mild's ready until that one tragedy happens...

Jaeil was caught in an accident during their internship... The last moment they saw each other was when Jaeil give him a big and warm hugs before leaving for his international internship...

Until now? Mild's heart was still with Jaeil... and no one still knew that he once had a Jaeil in his life.


"Mew! It's getting late, aren't you going home now?" Mew turn his head and look at Mild who help fixing the actress and actors clothes and makeups with Kaownah and Singto "Later---" Singto suddenly cut him off "It's your 50th Later Mew... Remember that you never told Gulf about this work and it's the 7th day in a week" Mew look at Singto and nod slightly to himself "Guess I need to give him a call" Mew said as he later remember his encounter in the pass 3 days.

He turn and meet the gaze from his beloved friend, Kaownah who knows everything about his abouts...

"Can I get some words with you Kao?" And to Singto as well "And you too Singto, Please?" Kaownah sigh and later nod, looking back at Singto as the other just simply give him a nod,

They tap Mild's shoulder as a sign 'we'll leave it to you, we'll be back'

Mild let them... and continued to the things he's doing earlier,

On their way to the garden of that set,

Mew sigh as he faced them,

"What should I do? I love Gulf so much but... I also don't want him to be in trouble" He keep on sighing to himself as he keep on messing with his hair, Tears are forming on his eyes...

Singto and Kaownah look at each other,  as the fact they also want to help Mew but don't really know how...

"Mew, There were force that's on our side... Aren't they going to help in protecting Gulf?" Singto acted as if he don't belong to that two team of International forces,

Mew doesn't know about it...

Only Kaownah and Turbo does,

"They threatened me that they're going to torture and put Gulf and his brothers in suffering!"

Tears are now flowing down from his eyes,

"You've done something that we don't know, aren't you Mew?" Kaownah suspects, He knows every move that Mew made,

He knows what those actions means...

Mew looked at them, defenceless...

He then look down as he nod,

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