39 : Thitipoom Techaapaikhun's grand mission

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Kaownah look back before going inside his car, he then saw Frank walking towards him...

"What is it Frank?" He face the younger and what happen next made Kaownah's eyes wide... No! What he heard next,

"I want to join New"

He saw how determine Frank was... but the fact that those men are looking for then and that they can't stay low once Frank will go with New,

"You can't"

"I know they're after me... but isn't it too dangerous for New to go on his own? Yes, I know that his brothers are there but they can't and won't act like they know each other for their own safety... I'm just worried about New, please let me come and go with him---"

Kaownah interrupt Frank, just before the younger can finish his words on him,

"I know that you really want to be with New. I know that he became your friend before you transfer. I know you two are too close to each other before knowing that the two of you are related but Frank... If you really want to help New, believe in him like how much I do and of how much he think he can..."

Kaownah put his arm on the younger's shoulder "Frank, Believing was a total equivalent to make everything successful and possible... That's what New really wanted to know and to hear from the people around him. I know that New can do so much greater than any of us, not everyone can appreciate his little things nor can see those but as for me? I saw those simple and little things as the great ones on him... Just count on New and if he can't do it well?"

Kaownah smile at him and continued

"I will still believe and will still count on him. I want you to do that for him as well Frank. That's the only thing he ever want from us."

Kaownah then left Frank there, he then drove to where New was... bringing things that are useful for that young man.

After quite a drive, Kaownah arrived on that place... and meet New who's patiently waiting for him.


New called as he saw Kaownah coming out from his vehicle,

Kaownah give him his warm smile, and pass him the bag that he brought.

"What is this Phi?" New asked as he curiously open the bag and peak on what's inside

"You better use that clothes now... I'll drop you to their place nearby"

New nod and do as what Kaownah wanted him to do.

After a while, New came out with the suit that Kaownah gave him...

"Phi... What's this?" He shows him many key chains with different kind of keys hanging on it

"You will need that New" the other look at him with full of confusion "Why do I need keys?" Kaownah look back at him...

"You will know that soon"

New check each and every keys on himself while Kaownah's on the phone, talking to an unfamiliar voice...

They talk lot of things but the only thing New heard was...

"I'll make sure New made everything successful as long as you made them believe Phi. Just for everyone's ptotection"

New look at Kaownah who's still talking... He's curious and all about that guy and Kaownah...

He's curious about what they talked all about... but he choose not to ask about it anyway,

"So you're ready?" Kaownah asked him as soon as he's done talking with the man on the other line, New nod his head and letting Kaownah assist him to his car...

While Kaownah drove the road, New look at him,

"Is there anything wrong New?"

New was caught in between to ask him or not,

"If there's an thing you want to ask, you can ask me... Cause when you enter that place, you can't ask me anything for I'm no longer walk beside you" He told him with his eyes sticking on the road...

"Well... Phi..." He look down on one of the key chains

"Go on..."

He look back up on Kaownah "Will I ever be okay? Can't I do any harm? What if I fail like how everyone said? I'll bring embarrassment to you and to my Mom for believing a whimp like me" He worries as the other glances at him "Why can't you just trust and believe yourself as much as I do to you?" "But Phi---" Kaownah just simply cut him off by pulling the brakes, look straight at the worried kiddo...

"Okay, let's say that you do the job incompletely. That doesn't mean that you're a whimp or a loser New. That even can't embarrass us for believing in you. You are You and we really do believe in you... No matter what the odds or no matter what will going to happen, I will stay beside you... Not just because you're Mom was my Dad's twin sister but because I truly believe in you."

Tears are forming in New's eyes as Kaownah continued,

"Do you know that Dad really said that you can do it smoothly? He really do believe in you. See? You're Mom said that you can do it, I said you can do it too... When your Dad's side are in doubt in your capabilities, your Mom's side aren't..."

Kaownah raise one of the key chains which had 'Cherry' on it & had something written on it as well "Just in time when you're caught in the middle and was too complicated to go out of it, just press that... That's our Family's group. We got the law of the nature" Kaownah smile at him and later pat his head "Dad was so proud of you that you finally came out... Our Grandparents are truly looking forward of this very time"

Then he start to drove back off,


Kaownah responded him with a 'hmm'

"Does your best friend or anyone knew about your whole life being?"

"You mean Mew?"

New nod his head, looking forward to what Kaownah was going to answer...

"He doesn't know anything besides of telling him that I have no Mom and Dad anymore... That I live alone, That me and Turbo are done and That I had feelings on Mild. That's the only thing he knew about me"

"But neither of it was true right?"

Kaownah slightly smile at him, while he's focused on the road...

"It's not that I don't trust Mew. I just don't want to spoil their plans that we had the most capabilities than them... And..."

He glance at him and back to the road,

"We're waiting for the right moment that you'll came out as a brave warrior, our dearest Newwie. And today's the day... Everyone on your Mom's side are preparing the bars right now & was looking forward to your capabilities... Don't you dare forget that everyone's so very proud of you"

New smile at him as he nod to himself and smiling from ear to ear...

"I make sure to end all of this..."

Kaownah never seem to look at him but he indeed heard him,

"I'm so much proud of this kid"

Kaownah said to himself as he continued to drove off the road.

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