25 : Brothers 💓

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Frank later woke up with Saint sitting beside him, sharing some little space.
He slowly sat up and Saint noticed that.

"Oh. We've prepared breakfast." Saint stand up and headed to the kitchen just to prepare him something to eat, Frank followed him while scratching the back of his head "Where are the others?" Saint was placing the plate while Frank sat down,  "Saint?" Saint looked at him for seconds then realized Frank's question...

"Oh! They're out picking some groceries and things..." Frank nod, it stays that way until in a few minutes, "What if you guys moved in with us?" He face Saint "This house was too spacious for just me and Win" Saint smile at him...

Saint keeping that smile for few seconds before picking himself up...

It may be creepy but Frank's used to it, for many times Win did that to him.

"You see Frank..."

Frank listening to him until he's done and Saint knows that,

"Our Stepmom messed up with us and our Dad believed her" "Then?" Saint sigh as Frank realized something "Wait... Was your Stepmom's a shortie with blonde hair which was obviously so messed up? With make up on smoky?" Saint looked at him, surprised "How'd you know?" Frank slightly sigh "As I carried Gulf to the Car--- Oh, Gulf's the last one I put into the car and that woman came around as Mew tried to get Gulf from me." "What?! She did what?!" Frank cleared his throat and try to mimicked her "She was like Gulf?! You sl*t! After leaving a rich guy just for a young poor boy?! You're such a ---- I cut her before she could say more harsh words. I think I responded too much to the extent that your Dad kicked you both out" Frank looked down worried, Saint patted his head "We're not mad. Do you know how much happy Win was? How happy we are?" Frank look back up at Saint who's smiling so brightly to him "No matter what ever you responded to her, it doesn't mean a thing already... We're glad that we're out from that hell. Don't you like that?" Frank still look at Saint without a smile and shakes his head, Saint was shocked... He can't believe what he just saw...

Frank don't like them being here ---

Frank saw Saint's reaction and he suddenly smile,

"Actually,  I don't really like it..."

He paused,

"I LOVE it"

Saint breath out and just stood up then giving Frank his punishment for almost giving Saint tears...

Saint tickles Frank while giving him slight kisses which Win always do for Frank whenever he pull pranks on him which Win always fall into.

"Waàh! Saint stop!"

He said between his laughter then...

"Woah~ Let me join!"

They look and it was Win putting the things he's carrying aside and immediately run to Frank and Saint. He hugged them and giving kisses. Later, Saint runaway from Win while Win cupped his brother's face, smiling brightly at him...

"I'm so very happy and with so much gladness to have a great younger brother as you are Frank... I don't know what would I do if you'll go far from me." Win kissed his forehead and look back at Frank's eyes "Thank you for being here. Thank you for being that strong and brave and that made me strong and brave as well..." Frank smile at him "What's wrong with you Win---" he then hugged him tightly and lovingly "Win---" Then he look at Gulf with the rest and motioned 'What's wrong with him?' And Gulf smile at him... Win let go and pat Frank's head,

"Nothing's wrong with me... we're just proud and wanted to say thank you" Win look at his brother with so much love as the rest approach them.

"Do you know Frank? Gulf did the same to me earlier. I don't know what's gotten into them"

And they saw both Win and Gulf pointed to Mild,


Mild then acted like he doesn't know anything and just swifted upstairs...

"Join you later at lunch. We need to settle things down" Win ruffled Frank's hair and went upstairs with the rest bringing things.

"Eh, Saint!" Frank quickly held Saint's wrist before he could gone with them, Saint look at him "Yes?" "Can I talk with you?" Saint nod with a smile before sitting across Frank's chair.

"What is it all about?"

Frank firstly played with the food before looking up at Saint,


"I just wanted to talk with you about..." He look around then back to Saint "About Zee"

"What's with him?"

"You know it so well that our brotherhood had some problems with the other right?" Saint look down, feeling his heart been broken, tears are almost fully visible.

"but I'm not telling you to stay away from him"

Saint look back at Frank with a total disbelief... since He, too had that problem and the worst? pain...

"W--What? Why?"

Frank smile at him,

"Do you need to ask me that?"


Frank chuckled with Saint's innocence,

"I'm not the one who holds your life as well as your heart. You're the one that can do it, No--- It was like a ship that you're the rightful captain on it that no matter how much the crew told you to turn this and that, You need to do as much as you want as long as you're ready to take that consequences due to the risk you gave."

"But Gulf---" Frank cut Saint off

"Gulf? You and him are brothers indeed but you both had two different hearts and lives Saint. Yes, you can respect his words but can you dare seeing the one you love, loving someone else because you're too coward? I know everyone's a coward at some point but if you won't take a risk on it... You'll regret it in the end Saint. You know what? Zee's different from all the men I've known his age. And know this as well, You're his first love and I know he's your first. Do you want to just let the air swift the first love story away? Without the word 'True' in between?"

Frank later stand up with his plate,

"I just told you that because I want you to never give up on Zee"

Frank was ready to turn his back when Saint spoke up again,

"What if I fight for me and him but he's not doing the same? What if it hurts like you both been through?"

Frank look back at him,

"You don't know if you won't try"

Frank turn back on him while keeping Saint wondering.

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