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Isabelle made her way towards her locker when first class got over. She checked her schedule and started taking out books for her next class.

"Excuse me", Isabelle turned around to find a boy smiling at her.

"Yes?", Isabelle asked.

"Uh-I'm new here", he said.

"Sorry, I'm new in this school too. Freshman Year", Isabelle turned around again.

"No, no, no. Not that. I'm a freshman too. I was saying that I'm new in this town. I don't have any friends here. Mind if I sit with you at lunch?", he asked.

"No. I'll be sitting with my friends. I think they will mind", Isabelle answered.

Ana came towards her and was looking scared, "Belle, I had to tell you-" but quieted down looking at the boy.

"Oh, the scared girl whose friend was supposed to sit with her", he commented looking at Ana.

"So she is your friend. I don't think she would mind", he turned towards Isabelle.

"My other friend will", Isabelle answered grabbing Ana's hand, "Come on, Ana. Tell me what you wanted to in the way."

She dashed away from there leaving the boy there, "K then. I'll see you around."

"I don't think so!", She answered walking away, without looking back.


Belle was sitting with Ana in the class when Ana asked, "Who was that creep?"

"That's what I'm thinking. He just came to me and asked if he could sit with us", Belle answered.

"Ooh...looks like someone has a crush on  you", Ana teased.

"Shut up", Isabelle exclaimed.

"Isabelle has a lover. Belle has a lover. He indirectly asked her out but she broke the poor lover boy's heart", Ana started to chant.

"Ana, quiet! What are you doing?!", Isabelle tried to shush her.

"Belle broke his hea-", she suddenly quieted down and looked down at her lunch.

Belle instantly understood the situation, "Where is he?"

"Who?", Ana asked.

"The freak who was staring at you. Where is he?", Isabelle asked.

"He's not here", Ana replied.

"One time you were totally enjoying yourself and the next moment you become self conscious. Do I look like a fool? Where is he?", Isabelle demanded.

"I told you he's not here", Ana said, a bit irritated.

"Either you tell me or I'll stand on my chair and shout out 'Which one of you is the hawk who was gawking at my cousin here!'", Isabelle threatened.

"Like you'll really do that", Ana crossed her arms.

"Oh, yeah. Try me", Isabelle stood up from her chair and Ana held her wrist.

"Don't you dare", Ana practically pleaded.

Isabelle sat down again, "Spill! You saw my creep. I want to see yours."

"9 o' clock",Ana replied.

Isabelle turned her head to look at him but Ana stopped her, "Don't make it obvious!"

"What if I make it obvious. What is he gonna do? Why are you acting like a scared kitten. Act boldly. Didn't you see how confidently I talked with that creep?", Isabelle lectured.

"Is he staring?", Isabelle asked.

"No",Ana replied.

"Jeez Ana! Then there is no problem! ", Isabelle turned around and looked at the boys, "Which one?"

"The one who is using his phone", Ana answered.

"Hey", Isabelle turned around to find the same boy from before standing in front of them.

"I don't see your other friend?",He asked.

"She's in the bathroom", Ana answered and simultaneously Belle said, "None of your business!" Isabelle glared at Ana.

"Ana, you shouldn't be telling strangers everything", Isabelle told Ana knowing that the boy was standing there, giving him a clear message to go away.

"But I'm not a stranger, Belle. I came at your locker, remember?", He reasoned.

"My name is Isabelle. Only my loved ones call me Belle. And yes I remember but you still are a stranger. We don't even know your name. Now go away. Shoo!", Isabelle answered in a scolding manner.

"Oh, yeah! Right, I never told you my name. Ethan is my name. Ethan Martinez", he held out his hand for her to shake but she looked away.

"Ook. Fine", he then held out his hand for Ana. Isabelle signalled Ana a no but Ethan caught her, "Well that's rude." He then turned back towards Ana, "It's just a hand shake. She won't shoot you."

Ana shook his hand and he smiled at her which she returned, "See. Wasn't that hard, was it?"

"Go away or I will call the teacher", Isabelle threatened.

"Back in elementary, are we?", he teased but Isabelle glared at him.

"Fine. I'm going. By the way I think your other friend is taking way too long. Go and check. What if her stomach is upset?", he said.

"You're leaving or not!", Isablle's anger was at it's peak.

"Fine", saying this he went towards a group of boys and sat with them.

"See! He has friends. He was lying!", Isabelle got more angry.

"He was lying so he can be friends with you", Ana teased her again.

"Quiet you! I'm already very angry. Shut up before I take it out in you", Isabelle got more irritated.

Ana just laughed at her condition.



Hey cuties,

I'm back with another chapter.

Next POV will be Ana's, again.

Hope you enjoy it.

Till then.....Bye.

-Elaf Shaikh.

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