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Three girls were sitting together at lunch time talking among themselves. Soon they were joined by two more girls and three boys.

Ana and Belle together with Sophia sat at their usual place. One of the girls said looking at them, "Those are the girls from the Rodriguez family but believe it or not they don't act like rich, spoilt brats. They act normally like nothing's special about them."

One of the boys then said, "Then why don't you invite them to sit with us?"

"That's the problem", the other girl answered, "Their family has very strict rules, no hanging out with friends, no guy friends, no dating."

"Whoa, then how do they live? I guess being rich is not that easy as we think!", the same boy remarked.

Behind their seat, a boy was sitting. As soon as their topic of conversation changed, he stood up and went towards  his friend, Ethan.

He sat on the chair besides him.

"So, what's the news Drake?", Ethan asked him.

Drake filled in Ethan with everything he had heard.

" wonder she ignored me like that", Ethan said thoughtfully.

"No dating", Drake continued, "That's a strict rule for teenagers."

"No, it's not. It's normal. I've heard about many high class families who have these kinds of rules", their other friend Carter said who was also from a high class family.

Ethan got lost in his thoughts. It was going to be harder than he had thought for it to be.


Ethan was sitting in the library when the person whom he least expected to come and sit with him came and sat across from the seat he was sitting in.

Ethan looked up from his assignment, "Xander! It's a pleasure to have your company."

"Tell me what you know", Alexander demanded.

"What do I know?", Ethan asked out of amusement.

"I saw you ok! I saw everything. Drake spied for you. Tell me about those girls", Alexander demanded without beating around the bush.

"And why will I tell you?", Ethan asked.

"Because that's what cousin brothers are for, right? I like one of them and just like you I wanna know about my crush", Alexander explained.

"Which one of them do you like?", Ethan asked suspiciously.

"Don't worry. I like the other one, not yours", Alexander chuckled, "Now tell me about the girl."

"'The girl' has a name you know", Ethan said.

"Like I said, I don't know anything about her", Alexander explained.

"Anastasia. Her name is Anastasia", Ethan stated.

"Anastasia", Alexander smiled at himself.

"Well, her nick name is Ana. She is from the Rodriguez family", Ethan further added.

"And?", Alexander knew there was more to it.

Ethan told him all about the family rules.

"Well, it's going to be hard for us", Ethan said.

"For you. Not for me", Alexander said.

"How?", Ethan asked out of curiosity.

"Well, it's simple. I like her. I will have to make her like me too by making her feel special. I will completely give her the signs that I like her. Then she will ask me out. I'll give it a shot. Then if i still like her then I'll keep her or else I'll break up with her too. She would be the one to ask me out so i wouldn't have to stay committed in our relationship, therefore I can leave whenever I want to", Alexander explained his theory.

"Seriously! That's not how you treat a girl. And what do you mean by you will 'keep her', she's a human, not a possession", Ethan lectured.

"You think I'll take advice from you. The guy whose crush doesn't even so much spits in his direction. Come on, man. Believe it or not, this technique always works", Alexander replied.

"Yea, whatever! Mom wanted you to visit. She said you must have gotten bored of the hostil's stale food", Ethan delivered his mom's message to Alexander.

"Tell her I'm not interested", Alexander said and got up.

"But she really meant it. She wants you to come. Xander, listen-", Alexander started walking away, " Alex-"

Alexander slammed his fist on the table, "Don't call me that! My mom used to.....", Alexander rubbed his eyes and dashed off.



I'm back with another update!

Tell me how it was.

Till then...Bye.

-Elaf Shaikh.

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