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Just as Ana laughed, she felt his stare on her again. She turned her head and saw that he really was staring at her. So she just looked down at her plate.

"Not again", Isabelle commented getting irritated.

Belle turned her head towards that boy and glared at him. He looked at Belle but averted his gaze back at Ana.

Belle turned back towards Ana, "Shameless! He noticed that I caught him staring at you but still he's not looking away."

"Don't take too much notice of him. He'll get bored eventually", Ana replied.

"Why are you blushing?",Belle teased.

"What! No, I'm not!", Ana denied.

"Yes, you are", Belle teased.

Ana turned her head slightly, only to find him smiling. She immediately turned towards Belle, "Belle, he heard you!"

"Oh really! Ana has crush. Ana is crushing on the hawk", Belled chanted just like Ana was a few minutes back.

"Oo, he is listening!", Ana hid her face in her hands.


As Ana was taking out books for her last class of the day, her eyes fell on the mirror which was on the inside of the door of the locker, the same boy from before was standing at the other side of the hall, staring at her.

Eventually, his eyes fell on the mirror too and he noticed Ana looking at him too. A smile made it's way towards his lips.

As soon as Ana noticed that he had caught her looking at him through the mirror, she averted her eyes from it. She tried to look anywhere but the mirror.

She peeked at the mirror again only to find him still smiling, looking at her from the mirror. A blush crept her cheeks and she looked down.

She hurriedly closed her locker and went towards her last class without sparing him another glance.


Ana entered the class and was finding a seat to sit on when the girl who was sitting at the front called her, "Ana! Here! I saved you a seat!"

Ana went and sat with her as soon as she recognized her as the girl who was sitting with her in the very first class of the day.

"Hey, Sophia. Right?", Ana asked as she sat with her.

"Yes. How did your first day go?", Sophia asked.

I pretty much enjoyed it, Ana replied.

"I got bored all day", Sophia said.

"Why?", Ana asked.

"Well, isn't that obvious. First day, no friends", Sophia answered.

"Well, I would have accompanied you if you had just asked", Ana said.

"Well, I tried but either the seat besides you or the one besides me was occupied", Sophia reasoned.

"What about lunch time?", Ana asked again.

"You were with someone", Sophia said.

"That was my cousin. You should have came. Trust me she wouldn't have minded a bit. She loves making new friends", Ana replied.

"Uh-I don't know....", Sophia hesitated.

"That's it. You are sitting with us tomorrow", Ana cut her off.

Halfway through the class Sophia nudged her, "Hey, Anna".


"He's looking at you."

"Who?", Ana looked up.

"That one", Sophia pointed towards the same boy from before.

"Ignore him. He's being doing that all day", Ana looked down at her book again.



Another update is here.

Hope you enjoy it.

The boys are the next....🙃🙃

Have a nice day or should I say night.

-Elaf Shaikh......

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