Isabelle, Alexander.

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Belle had fallen unconscious in the hallway. Ana's mind went blank. She tried to lift her but with only one hand and that too with the left one, it seemed impossible. She looked around for help but the hallway was empty.

Little did she knew that Alexander was standing in a corner looking at all this. At first, he just stood there, hoping someone else would arrive and help her but when he saw Ana crying helplessly, he ran towards the nurse's office.

He tried to open the door but it was locked and then his eyes fell on the board which said 'Nurse Not Available'.

He ran back towards Ana's locker and found her in the same position. He went and sat down besides Ana. He lifted Belle's hand and checked her pulse. It was very weak.

He immediately took out his phone and called the ambulance.

All this time, Ana was watching him. She was shocked at his actions but at the same time was relieved that someone was actually helping her.

Ambulance arrived in less than five minutes. Alexander showed them in. Seeing the ambulance, the principal arrived too and Alexander explained him everything.


Alexander was leaning against the wall while Ana was sitting on the chair, sniffing and waiting for the doctor to come.

The doctor came out and Ana stood up, "The patient's condition is normal now. She fainted due to severely low blood pressure. She's resting now but I'm afraid she will have to stay in hospital for some more days, dear."

Doctor told Ana some other things and went.

"ANA!", Ana turned around and found Belle's mom approaching with grandpa.

"How's Belle?", Belle's mom asked.

"She's fine. She's inside, resting", Ana answered.

"Can we see her now, sister?", grandpa asked the nurse who came out of the room Belle was in.

"Yes, you can. But try not to wake her up. It's better if she wakes up on her own", the nurse answered and went.

The three of them then entered inside the room. Belle was on the bed, with an IV connected to her hand.

Ana then remembered something.


He had helped her alot. If it wasn't for him, she didn't knew how she would've handled the situation on her own.

She went out of the room to thank him only to find he wasn't there anymore.

"Who are you looking for, Ana?", grandpa asked.

Ana turned around, "Grandpa, a student helped me bring Ana to the hospital. He was the one who did everything or else I still would have been crying in the school hallway. But I think he went."

"It's ok. Thank him if you see him next time."

"Yes, grandpa."

"Ana, go back to school. We'll handle everything here", grandpa told Ana.

"But grandpa, Belle..."

"You can come back here after school. Besides, she is unconscious right now. What will you do here?"

"Ok, grandpa."

"The driver is waiting outside. Go."


Alexander was sitting on his usual table with his friends at lunch time but his mind was towards Ana.

He left because he didn't wanted Ana to get into same trouble as Belle's. He didn't exactly knew what the matter was but it had something to do with Ethan so in Ana's case, it would be him.

"Excuse me", Alexander turned around immediately to Ana's soft voice , not believing his ears.

And indeed, Ana was really standing there. Her eyes were a little puffy from crying but other than that, she looked fine.

"Thank you.....thank you very much for helping me earlier. If not for you, I don't know what I would have done to handle the situation. Thank you", Ana said.

He looked into her eyes and he saw sincerity and not the hatred he had been witnessing in her eyes for himself since a while, "Your welcome. Anyone in my place would have done the same."

"Indeed", Ana replied and went towards her usual table in the cafeteria.

Alexander turned around and saw his friends looking at him curiously. He knew they won't drop it so he told them everything.

"DUDE!", Jackson said, "that's brilliant. You helped her but didn't stay around for her to thank you. Now, she approached you herself to thank you. She made the first move! Now you can ask her out."

"No, I won't", Xander said.

"Why not? You have been waiting for this moment for so long?", Jeremy asked.

"I don't know. Just, no. I won't", Xander replied.


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