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Ash and Belle were sitting in Belle's hospital room chatting while eating ice cream.

"Ana didn't came?", Belle asked frowning.

"No. I tried", Ash answered.

"Hmm...", Belle sighed.

"She even called me a fat bull!", Ash exclaimed throwing his hands in the air like a child.

"You must have said something first", Belle said, "Ana never calls anyone names first."

"Yeah, I might have called her a fat cow", Ash stated.

"See", Belle said smiling.

"Did you both fight?", Ash asked seriously.

"Not exactly. I was just giving her a piece of mind and what I was trying to say came out wrong", Belle said.

"Can you please elaborate a bit. What was it that offended Ana? She always understands if something slips out of your tongue", Ash asked curiously.

"Ana's still in her dreamworld. I was in it too but I'm out of it now as soon as I got shoved. You understand, right?", Belle started.

"Yes", Ash answered.

"She hasn't......she hasn't learnt her lesson. She still lives in her dreams!", Belle explained.

"Wait. Am I missing something? Ana got shoved too?", Ash asked.

"Stumbled, more like", Belle answered. Her answer went over Ash's head but he let it slide. If Belle was talking in riddles, it meant that it was Ana's side of story to tell.

"Mom called. She misses you", Ash said, changing the topic.

"Yea, I just facetimed her. I miss grandma too. If only I could visit her", Belle said.

"Well, we can visit Columbia if you want, that is, after you get discharged from here. And we will drag Ana with us too", Ash suggested.

"That's a great idea!...But Ana hates it there. She won't come", Belle said.

"So what! We will throw her in a sack and take her with us", Ash said.

"Ash, why doesn't Ana like it there?", Belle asked.

"Ask her", Ash replied.

"It's because her parents fight, isn't it?", Belle asked.

"Belle, it's her side of the story to tell. I can't say anything", Ash said.

"Why do they always fight?", Belle asked again.

"Again, not my place to tell", Ash answered.

They both sat in silence for a while, eating their ice cream.

"You seem off today?", Belle asked.

"No, I'm not", Ash replied.

"It's because Ana's not here, isn't it?", Belle asked.

"No", Ash replied.

"She's your favourite niece, isn't she?"

"Like you are any less."

"Face it, she's your favourite. And your mood is off because hers was off today. Say it, I wouldn't mind."

"So what if she's the favourite niece. You're the favourite grand daughter."

"That I am. Tell me, why is she your favourite of all three of us?"

"First of all, Ryan's annoying."

"I agree", they both high fived.

"Second, Ana's my favourite because she is the only one of you three who didn't peed on me as soon as I lifted her", Ash confessed.

"Did I actually do that?"

"Yup", Ash said popping the 'p'.

"I seriously don't have any regrets. But is that the only reason?"

"No. I used to despise Ryan because when  he was born, I was no longer the baby of the family. Not that it made any difference but still, a title is a title. Then came you. I didn't had anything against you but hey come on, I was five and I didn't used to like it when my mom's attention used to be on you. When she used to hold you and call you her little baby, I used to be like 'Am I a joke to you!'."

"Aww...little Ashyy was jealous", Belle said in a baby voice.

"Yes, I used to be but I didn't had any grudge against you when Ana was born. I didn't used to mind the attention you got from mom. I somewhat used to understand the affection mom felt towards a 'baby' like I used to feel."

"I'm listening. Tell me more", Belle said. She loved hearing her childhood stories.

"Well, I used to be obsessed with baby Ana. I used to try to sneak her to my room at night but I always got caught but one day I succeeded."


"Ana being missing from her parent's room caused a scene in the house."

"How did they find her?"

"Well, my maid heard me crying and came to fetch me and saw Ana crying there too. Ana had started crying and I didn't knew how to shush her so I had started crying too."

"Well, did Uncle Adrian got angry at you?"

"Have you ever seen any one being mad at me?"


"He wasn't angry. He was shocked. He just told me that I was allowed to sleep with baby Ana if I wanted to."

"You got away that easy?"

"Yup. I always do. I'm their baby brother after all."

"Lucky pal."

"Don't worry, you used to be Ryan's favourite baby."


"Yup. That's true. But there was one thing. He never could tell you both apart. Whenever he visited, he used to ask 'which one of them is Belle?' and then he used to try to make you play with him."

"Don't tell me. I don't wanna listen any further. My mood is ruined."

"That one time he slapped Ana because you wanted to play with her and not him."

"Then, then!"

"I attacked him. That fight was lit. Mom separated us both."

"Did he had more scratches or you?"

"He did, ofcourse", Ash grinned.

"I guessed so."

"That's why he hates Ana."

"He hates her?"

"Yup. Haven't you noticed. He always wants to get her in trouble. That's why I'm more protective over her."

"He hates her! Because he got a couple of scratches for hitting her?"

"No, idiot! Because he always wanted to be friends with you but you and Ana are inseparable."

"Ryan wanted to be friends with me?"


"With me?"

"Uh-huh, sure he did."

"You're sounding like Ana now."

"I don't sound like her. She sounds like me."

"Sure, sure. Whatever helps you sleep at night."


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