Ethan, Alexander.

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Ethan was standing outside the hospital  in which Belle was admitted. It was 10 pm at night. He was looking at the building from outside debating whether to go inside or not.

After a few minutes, he took a deep breath and started walking towards the building. Inside, instead of asking the receptionist about the room number, he walked straight towards it.

He knew the room number because he had texted Alexander to tell him about it. Alexander knew the room number because he was the one who had helped admitting Belle in the hospital.

It took him some time to find the room but with the help of a ward boy, he finally found it.

The door to Belle's room was slightly open. He peeked to make sure she was alone. Belle was reading a magazine and there was no one else inside.

So, he knocked on the door and entered when he heard, "Come in."

He entered inside.

Belle looked up from her magazine, expecting her nurse to be there but got shocked when she found Ethan standing at the door.

She got up from her bed. "Ethan! What are you doing here?", She whisper-yelled.

Ethan didn't answered. He was too happy to see Belle after a long time.

"Ethan please.....go. Mom's here. God knows what will happen if she-"

"I just wanted to talk to you, Belle", Ethan cutted her off.


"Just listen to me, for once. Then I won't pull another stunt like this again. I promise!", Ethan insisted.

"Ethan, go. Please", Belle pleaded.

"You want me to go?", Ethan asked.

"Yes!", Belle answered.

"But you love me!", Ethan protested.

"I.....I do! But please understand. I...I", Belle couldn't say anymore.

"You want me to leave you alone?", Ethan asked again.

Belle nodded, looking down. She was on the verge of tears.

"Then tell that to me on my face", Ethan said.

"Ethan, if you....l-love me....then leave me", Belle said looking in Ethan's eyes. She was brave to tell him that on his face when she truly loved him.

Ethan was taken aback by that. He had expected something else....

"Please, Ethan. Go", Belle said, now crying.

Ethan didn't want to go, he wanted to comfort Belle but he didn't. He did what he thought was best at the moment. He went out of the hospital room.

But he hadn't given up.

How could he let her go that easily.

She was his love...

...his sanity.

And he was too selfish to let go of her too. So how could he give up that easily. He just had to wait for the right time to arrive.


Alexander was laying, head on his aunt's lap, occasionally looking at the handkerchief Ana had given him.

His aunt was the person he was closest to after his mom's death.

Alexander's aunt, Ethan's mom was noticing him and asked, "What's her name?"

Her question broke Xander from his trance, "Whose?"

"The one who gave to this?", his aunt asked, pointing at the handkerchief in his hands.

"No one gave it to me. It's mine", Xander lied but his aunt saw right through it.

"Ohh....then why are you looking at it and smiling? Xander, since when did you start to keep secrets from me?", she asked.

Xander didn't answer at first but when his aunt gave him 'the look', he sighed and answered, "Ana."

"I knew it was about a girl!", his aunt exclaimed making Xander chuckle.

"You're missing her?", she asked.

"Alot", Xander sighed.

"Then call her", she said.

"We don't talk", Xander replied.

"Why? You both fought?", she asked again.

"No. She's my class fellow. I like her but I haven't told her that yet", Xander explained.

His aunt replied with a simple 'hmm'.

Xander sat up, "Aunt Mary, there's a problem. She's not allowed to date. That's why I'm afraid to ask her out. What should I do?"

His aunt thought about it for a while, "Well, you'll have to take your chance. If she is not allowed to date then it's a big problem......but Xander?"


"If she doesn't agree, it's just a crush. Hmm?"

"Just a crush", Xander agreed.

Xander kept his head back in his aunt's lap and closed his eyes.



"Do you know what happened to Ethan?", Xander opened his eyes.

"He is acting strange, Xander. He looks so ill. He doesn't eat or sleep properly."

Xander remained silent.

"Did anything happen at school?", she asked.

"No", Xander answered.

"Do you know something I don't?", she asked again.

"I can't tell you, I'm sorry. Ask him", Xander replied.

"I did but he never said anything!", she exclaimed.

"Just look after him, in school. In know. Will you?", she was really worried for her son.





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