Alexander, Ethan.

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Ethan was a mess after Xander dropped him home and sneaked him into his room through his window.

He couldn't sleep all night so when he looked terrible in the morning, his mom felt guilty for not letting him go out last night.

She thought that maybe he really needed fresh air that is why he wanted to go out so badly or else Ethan was never the rebellious one. His sister on the other hand, was a headache.

Ethan couldn't even eat anything. His mind constantly drifted on Ana's words to him. So as soon as his mother told him she would be allowing him to go out that day, he decided that it was time he gave Belle a visit.


"ETHAN! ETHAN STOP! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!", Xavier shouted running after Ethan who was speeding towards the hospital. He had tricked him into bringing him there.

He finally reached on his side and stopped him, "ETHAN! What the hell is wrong with you!? You can't go in there! You'll get her in trouble! Besides, she has already told you off!!"

"I don't care what she said! If she really wants me to fuck off from her life then she'll have to tell me on my face!!", Ethan started to walk again but Xavier stopped him.

"No Ethan. Try to understand. You'll get her in trouble. You can always confront her after she's back in school", Xavier tried to give him a piece of mind.

Somewhere in his heart, he knew Xavier was right so he just sighed and gave up.


Alexander was packing his duffel bag for the short trip to home for the weekend. He was going home for the first time since the school had started. Not that his home was faraway. It was actually in the same city but he just never felt like going back there.

The reason he was going then was that his aunt, Ethan's mom, phoned him and told him that his dad wasn't well.

While waiting for the bus at the bus stop, his mind drifted to the night before when he sneaked Ethan out to meet Belle.

He had agreed to go after hearing Ana's name because he had expected a minute with her while Ethan would have been talking with Belle but it had turned out way opposite of that.

Ethan was heartbroken and Xander who was bad with feelings, who didn't know how to act when someone got emotional, was left alone with him.


Mr. Nickels was in his robe when he came out of his room with an excited and happy, yet a pale face.

He was giving orders to the two maids he had hired for the weekend so that his son won't have any problem on his stay home.

"Hurry up, you're still on the main course. You have to get to desert too", he said to the maid, smiling.

Then he walked out of the kitchen chanting, "My son is coming home. My son is coming home. I want everything perfect. My Xander is coming home."

He had been doing it for the fourteenth time that day and it was bothering the maids but they weren't saying anything. On the contrary, they were smiling, looking at an happy, old man, being happy on the return of his son for whom he had longed for.

At the same time, Mrs. Martinez, Ethan's mom entered and frowned looking at her sick brother walking around the house.

She went and stopped him, "Brother, stop it. You should be resting. The doctor said so. Go to your room. I'll handle everything here."

"No, no. Let me. I'm fine. Xander-"

"Xander will return to school if I call him and tell him that you are fine now. Do you want me to do that?", Mrs. Martinez threatened.

Mr. Nickels shook his head.

"Then go take rest", Mrs. Martinez strictly told him.

Mr. Nickels huffed, made a face like a child whose mom told him there were no cookies at home and then stomped towards his room like the child he was.


Xander entered the house he thought he wouldn't be visiting till the end of the year. He was first greeted by his aunt which was unexpected as Ethan was unwell too.

Mrs. Martin then led Xander towards his fathers room.

Alexander looked at his father who was sleeping. He looked very pale since the last time he had seen him.

Alex went towards him, sat besides him and called him, shaking him lightly.

His dad opened his eyes. He was still very tired but he had shine in his eyes, looking at his son and the first words that came out of his mouth were, "If my son only visits me when I'm not well, then I should get sick more often."

Mr. Nickels smiled lightly after saying that and Alexander immediately hugged him with tears in his eyes.


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