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Ana's days were passing with much difficulty while Belle's days were passing smoothly. But as the phrase is stated, 'calm before storm'. Belle didn't knew what fate had in store for her.

1 Week Later:

Belle and Ana had to take the bus to school that day as Ryan took the car with him to school that day and left them at home.

At dismissal time, they caught hold of Ryan.

"Ryan, take us home", Belle said.

"Why should I?",  he asked.

"It's not your personal car, ok. We had to take the bus in the morning. Because of you, we got late", Ana said.

"Well, if you both came to school by bus then go home by bus. I'm not your driver. Besides, I have somewhere else to be and for your kind information, I have permission from grandpa to be home late too", Ryan said and started walking off.

"You can't just leave us behind. Drop us first and then go wherever you want to",  Belle suggested.

"Like I said, I'm not your personal driver", Ryan shouted not looking behind, still walking away.

"Well then, the bus it is", Belle said.

"Hey, why don't you two stay a bit late. The drama students are going to practice their act in about 5 minutes", Sophia came towards them and suggested.

"We can't. We have to be home on time", Ana said.

"Well, you have to take the bus today. Right?", Sophia asked.

They both nodded.

"Because Ryan left you two hanging", Sophia continued.

"Um-hmm", replied Belle.

"Then there it is, your excuse. Tell your parents that you were late because Ryan didn't pick you and because you both waited for him, you missed the bus too. If you both don't reach home in time, then Ryan will get in trouble for taking the car and will get a warning about not to do it ever again", Sophia gave them an idea.

Both of them looked at each other in agreement, the idea wasn't bad.

"Half an hour won't kill us", Belle said.

Little did she knew, it would.


As predicted, Belle and Ana reached home half an hour late.


They both did as they were told.

"I thought you two were responsible. Why didn't you came home with Ryan? He told me he would be home ten minutes late but what's your reason, may I ask?", Grandpa asked.

"Grandpa, Ryan left us in school", Ana started.

"And we even missed the bus. We even got late for school in the morning because he took the car with him", Belle included.

"Why didn't you tell me that in the morning?", Grandpa asked.

"You weren't home", Ana answered.


Ryan came down rushing in a minute, "Yes, grandpa."

But the minute he saw Ana and Belle, he realized what it was about and glared at them.

Ana and Belle bit their lips to hide the smile which was forming on their lips.

"Did you took the car with you and left them home in the morning and in school in the afternoon too?", grandpa asked, strictly.

"Grandpa....", Ryan was about to say something but got cut off by grandpa, "DID YOU OR DID YOU NOT, I ASKED!"

"I did, grandpa", Ryan confessed.

"Then you lied to me and left the girls on their own. Twice", grandpa said.

"I'm sorry", Ryan said.

"But you don't look like you're sorry", grandpa said. "Ana, Belle, go and change out of your uniforms and have lunch. Ryan has alot of explaining to do to me and then to his father", grandpa sent them out.


Belle and Ana were  doing their homework when Ryan walked in, "I thought we called it a truce."

"You were the one who crossed the limits. Besides, the 'truce' was only for that one thing", Belle replied.

"I don't remember agreeing to anything like that. You both better watch your backs now", Ryan said.

"Your lie is bigger than mine", Ana said.

"I know, but can you say the same for Belle?", Ryan asked.

"What about me?", Belle asked.

"Just wait and see", Ryan said and walked out.

"What was he talking about, Ana?", Belle got scared.

"You didn't do anything wrong, did you?", Belle asked.

"No", Belle answered.

"Then ignore that bloody King of empty threats!", Ana said, putting the topic to an end.


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