Ana, Xander.

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Ana went to school unwillingly on Monday. The only reason for her this reluctance was Alexander Nickels. She didn't wanted to be anywhere near him but like she had a choice.

Ana kept ignoring Alexander's presence, in the hallways, in the classroom, in the cafeteria and this pissed Alexander to the core.

First he got stalled by Ana at the winter formal. He waited for Ana to come back till an hour but then one of his friends informed him that Ana was nowhere and that she went home.


Ana was lying on her bed on a fine Saturday afternoon when Belle barged in.

"Ana, let's go outside", Belle suggested but Ana didn't responded and then only Belle notice the ear pods in her ears. She took one out, startling Ana in the process.

Ana sat up straight, "What now, Belle!?"

"Look how good the weather is. Let's go outside!", Belle said.

"You go. I'm not in the mood", Ana said blankly.

"What's wrong with you, Ana?!", Belle exclaimed.

"I'm just tired", Ana said.

"You said the same last week too!", Belle felt like pulling her hair.

"Well, I'm woman of my word", Ana shrugged.

"Ana, what happened at the winter formal?", Belle asked.

"What! Where did that come from?", Ana asked.

"Well, you were crying that night and since then you haven't been yourself at all", Belle explained.

"Bullshit! I told you-", but Belle interrupted her, "-that something got in your eye and like I'm buying it. Come on, Ana. Since when did we started keeping secrets?"

Ana sighed, "Close the door."

Belle closed the door to Ana's room and Ana told her everything Lily had told her.

"But Ana why are you being.....oh my God! had feelings for him!", realisation finally hit Belle.

"Wait a minute, that means you wanted to go to the winter formal because-", Ana completed the sentence, "-because he wanted me to be there. He slipped the poster inside my locker."

"Oh Ana......", Belle started feeling pity for Ana.

"It's fine. I'll get over it. It's just a crush", Ana said.

"It's just a crush", Belle repeated.


Ana was putting her stuff back in her locker when her eyes accidentally fell on the mirror. Alexander was standing where he usually did while Ana was at her locker. But this time, he waved at her too.

Just the mere sight of him angered her so much that she grabbed the mirror and tried to pull it out from it's place.

Instead of coming out, the mirror broke into millions of shards and a huge one of them got stuck Ana's hand. Ana winced and so did Alexander at the sight of her in pain.

He took a step forward reflexively to help Ana but a girl beat him to it.

"ANA! WHAT HAPPENED?", the girl next to her freaked out.

"Susan, it's nothing. The mirror on the door of my locker just broke", Ana said, still in pain.

Lies. That was the only word Xander's instincts told him. Ana had tried to pull it out. Usually, Ana would've smiled at him. But instead she wanted the mirror gone.

Did she hate him that much?

And why?

"Ana, let's go to the nurse", Susan said.

"No, I'll take it off myself", Ana protested.

"Are you crazy! That shard is massive. And what if it hit your bones too", Susan said as she dragged Ana towards the school clinic.


Xander was in history class but was lost in his own world. No matter how hard he tried to concentrate to the teacher's words, his mind shifted back to Ana.

He glanced towards the empty seat of Ana besides Belle. Isabelle was confused too as to why Ana was not in the class.

"May I come in, sir?", the soft voice reached his ears and he felt relief. He looked up towards the door. Ana was standing there with a plaster on her right hand and a note in the left one.

"Come in, Miss. Rodriguez. Now what did you do to your hand?", the teacher asked taking the note from her.

"It was an accident, sir", Ana replied.

The teacher read the note, "This note says you won't be able to write till a month because the glass got deep into the shaft of your metacarpel. Very well, go and have your seat."

"Thank you, sir", Ana went and sat on her seat and was immediately bombarded with question by an angry Belle.

When Ana reached back home, she found out that the school had informed her family about her broken hand. As soon as she entered inside, first she got each and every type of home medical treatment and after that she got a serious lecture about how immature she was.

On the evening, she was about to fall asleep when she heard her mother on the phone with her father, "Yea, Ana's better now.....yes I took her to the hospital just to be safe. What do take me as, a 13 year old?........well I'm afraid you won't be able to talk to her till morning, she just had her snacks and fell asleep.......what do you mean I'm trying to keep her away from you. It's your fault you don't talk to her regularly like Belle's father does. He calls her at ten PM every day and Belle postpones every activity of her to talk to her father. If you would have done the same, you would got the opportunity to talk to her!....."

'Not again', thought Ana and she sat up straight, "Mom, I'm awake!"

Her mother handed her the phone and stomped out of the room, "Hey, dad."

"Hey! How's my baby girl doing?"

"I'm fine. What about you?"

"What am I hearing? You hurt yourself?", Ana frowned at the reply. His father never talked about himself to Ana. He always shifted the topic back to Ana.

"It was an accident, dad. The mirror was about to fall and instead of backing away, I tried to catch it", Ana replied nevertheless, telling her father the same story she told everyone, even Belle.

"Be careful next time, okay? And take good care of you hand till it heals and don't forget to take your medications on time", her father told her strictly.

"Yes, dad", Ana replied.

"Good night, baby girl. Bye."

"Bye", Ana declined the call and fell into a deep slumber.


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