Anastasia, Alexander.

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Ryan arrived next day and started school with Belle and Ana the very next day.

Ana and Belle went to school with him in the same car but it didn't change anything. Everything was going the way it was going before until the upcoming winter formal became talk of the town.

Ana and Belle knew that there was no chance they would be allowed to go to the dance so they didn't took any interest from the start.


A week before the winter formal when Ana opened her locker,  something fell down on her feet. She picked it up and opened it as it was neatly folded only to find out that it was the winter formal handout. It was clear that someone had put it in her locker purposely.

She looked around to see if anyone was looking at her but they were all busy in their own activities. When she turned around, she found Alexander smiling at her.

It was true, Alexander had slipped it in her locker to give Ana an idea that he wanted her there. Of course he wasn't going to ask her personally and make the first move, never!

He had eavesdropped from Ethan's friends who sometimes acted as spies for Ethan that the Rodriguez girls weren't going so he instead of asking her, just gave her a sign.

On the other hand, Ana got confused. She didn't know what to do. She had never told Belle about her crush on Alexander then how was she supposed to tell her that she wanted to go to the winter formal just because Alexander invited her.

After reaching home, she thought about an excuse to make to Belle but in the evening she ended up thinking about the lamest excuse.

Now currently she was in Belle's room convincing her.

"Come on, Belle. Don't you wanna go. It'll be fun. We always follow all the rules. I'm sure if we ask for permission, we will get it", Ana said

"Ana, are you drunk! You know it's impossible. Grandpa will never agree to this", Belle tried to give her a piece of mind.

"What if he agrees? Of course it will take time to convince him but we both know after setting some conditions, he will let us go", Ana tried to convince her.

"Fine. What will we tell grandpa?", Belle asked.

"Attendance", Ana replied.

"It would be a lie Ana", Belle said

"I know, but you see what I'll do. You in or not?", Ana said.

"In. But if he sees through our lie, it will all be on you", Belle said.

"Done, I'm already taking it on me from the start", Ana said.

Now both Ana and Belle were standing outside the lounge and grandpa was watching television inside.

Ana made her way towards him, "Grandpa..."

"Yes?", he asked.

"I have to go to the winter formal on Saturday. I wanted to ask for you permission", Ana said.

"But dear, why do you want to go there?", Grandpa asked.

"I don't want to, I have to", Ana corrected.

"Ok. So, why do you have to go there?", grandpa asked.

Ana sat on the floor besides his chair, facing him.

"Grandpa, you know I want to be the valedictorian and for that my record should be intact. I need to have full attendance, please! I have to go there, grandpa" , Ana clearly lied. For being the valedictorian, only the GPA needs to be intact not attendance or reputation or anything else.

"Ana....", but she interrupted him, "Grandpa, please!"

"But why would they put attendance in a party, I thought these things are optional?", grandpa asked.

"Money, grandpa. They want their tickets sold", Ana lied.

"Ah.....fine. But you're not going alone. Belle and Ryan will go too", Granda said.

"Ok, done!", Ana agreed almost immediately.

"You all are not to leave each other's side and back to home till 9:30. Am I clear?", he told her strictly.

"Yes. Thank you!", Ana hugged him and left.

Right after Ana left, her mom came in the lounge, "Dad, you shouldn't have agreed to that."

"I know, but but my girls earned it. They never let me down then give me one reason why I should? I trust my girls with everything I have. Don't worry, they are smart. They will never break our trust in them", Grandpa explained.

"And Ryan? You remember what he did last year, right?", Ana's mom asked.

"Yea, about that. I'll have to ask his father whether to allow him or not", Grandpa said and got up.


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