Bonus Chapter 1: Alexander.

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When Alexander came back to school after the weekend ended, he wasn't confused about Ana anymore.

After his aunt said that what he had on Ana was just a crush, he somehow was relieved. He didn't knew why. He guessed that it was just because he was scared that Ana might not return his feelings.

Now, he was determined to tell Ana about how he felt. Yep, he was going to make the first move. Something he thought he would never do. Even if Ana refused, it was just a crush.

Yeah, it was only a crush. Like his aunt said.

He waited for Ana in the morning. Not near her locker like he used to, but at her locker. He even noticed some girls whispering after looking at him. But he didn't care less about them. All he wanted was a mere, yet a big conversation with Ana.

He didn't knew why was he so excited but he had a good feeling about it. Maybe it was because he knew Ana liked him too. But after the winter formal, she started acting otherwise.

One thing was for sure, Ana knew about his bad boy reputation. He knew just the way to explain it to her. He had been practicing it all the way back from home. All that was left, was Ana.

He knew Ana would do no such thing with them like Belle did with herself and Ethan. Ana and Belle may be best friends but they were polar opposites. Belle was conserved minded...a bit, while Ana...Ana was someone who would think for herself too.

It was 8 am sharp. Ana was late. Whole half an hour.

A thought crossed his mind that maybe Ana didn't came to her locker as he was standing right in front of it.

Not that his Ana was not brave enough to face someone. She was just a bit of a scaredy cat when it came to him. He had noticed it himself. She was always fine with him around, few feet away, but as soon as he would so much as walk past her, she would freeze, completely.

Knowing that Ana would never come in front of him, he waited for the French class, one that they had together. But it was not until 10:45. So, hee waited for it.

In the French class, everyone was settled down and revising for the quiz they had. Soon, all Ana's friend entered. He watched Sophia sit with someone else, maybe her soon to be boyfriend. Who knew!

Ana was often late for the Spanish class so it wasn't kind of a big deal. He noticed the empty bench where Ana and Sophia were supposed to sit. If Sophia wasn't there, then the seat was empty. He picked his bag up and made his way towards the bench.

But Ana didn't came to that class. Alexander looked for her at the lunch time too. Even in the library, where she would go sometimes. Then only he was convinced that Ana didn't came to school that day.

He took a paper. He wanted to write something to her. But what? His eyes fell on Dylan, who was the best student in the Drawing class and his good friend too. He asked him to draw a cartoon for him on that piece of paper. Dylan agreed and drew a Smiling Bunny on it. Alexander still didn't know what to write, so just wrote a simple 'hi' on it with that day's date on the other side of it and slipped it under Ana's locker.

This process continued for days. Alexander waited everyday. But Ana never showed up to school. Finally, he wrote an actual note to her but Ana wasn't there to read it the next day like every other day. He continued slipping those notes inside her locker telling Dylan to change the expression of the Bunny now and again.

One day, he told Dylan to draw a Crying Bunny. Dylan had become close to Alexander so he knew that Alexander was writing notes for the Rodriguez girl but was getting depressed when she wasn't showing up. He couldn't do anything but pity him because if you know Alexander, then you know he is never the one for a heart-to-heart.


Alexander woke up very early in the morning. The time was 5am or something bear to it. He was thirsty. He looked around for water but couldn't find any so he tried to sleep back again.

But couldn't. So he stood up, rubbed his eyes and went to get some water. As he was climbing down the stairs, he noticed a familiar figure near Ana's locker. It was none other than Ana herself.

But what was she doing in the school at that hour of the night. By the looks of it, she was packing her stuff. Emptying her and Belle's lockers. But why?

He kept standing there. He saw her looking at his notes and keeping them inside her bag but didn't fudge until he realized that Ana had noticed him too. And then it clicked, Ana was leaving the f**king school! It was a now or never situation. So he ran. He started rushing towards Girls' dormitory. He called out for her but she didn't listen.

He stood outside the Girls' Dormitory. He had never kept a step inside but that time, he did.

But it didn't help. He got lost as soon as he stepped inside and got in trouble for trespassing into a restricted area.


That was it.

The end of his love story. At it's first chapter.

Or atleast that's what Alexander thought it was.

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