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Ana, Belle and Ash were currently sitting in Belle's hospital bed, chatting while eating their ice creams.

Ana was waiting for Ash to leave so that they can catch up on, you know....stuff.

"I'll be right back", Ana excused herself. She took her bag and went towards the restroom of the hospital. She looked at herself in the mirror, took a deep breath and then took out the note.

Ethan said she could read it if she wanted to before giving it to Belle.

So, she opened it:


Hey, how are you? Hope you're fine. Did you get the 'get well soon' card I posted you. I hope you did.

I thought posting this note could be dangerous as someone else could get hold of it and you would have gotten into trouble because of me again. That is why, I am sending this note to you through Ana.

Belle, I know it's not the time or place or even the 'way' to tell you this, but I think I don't have any other choice.

I Love You, Belle. Yes Belle, I do. I really do. I've missed you alot these four days.

I panicked alot when I found out that you were in hospital from my friends. I couldn't stop thinking about you. At first, I thought it was because I was feeling guilty but no, I've realized why and I have already told you why.

If your answer is yes, come at the park near school at any time after six in the evening. I'll wait.

And if it's a no. Then don't. I'll still wait.

Love, Ethan.


Ana closed the note. Belle deserved to know all this so she made her way back towards Belle's room. Ash was standing outside.

"Ash, why are you outside?", Ana asked.

A doctor came rushing ar the same time and entered inside Belle's room.

"Uncle Ash?", Ana started panicking.

"Ana...Belle had a nervous breakdown", Ash said.

"What!", Ana turned to go inside but Ash held her from behind.

"Stay put, the doctor is inside", he tried telling her.

" She was just fine", Ana stopped struggling and tears started forming in her eyes.

"I don't know. The doctor said she was stressed out since morning and that they were expecting something like this considering how sensitive she is", Ash explained.

After half an hour, the doctor came out, "The patient is fine. You can go meet her but don't stress her out. She's still weak."

Ana and Ash entered inside Belle's room.

"Belle....", Ash started talking to her while Ana's eyes fell on a card that was on her side.

A 'get well soon' card.

Ethan's card.

That was the reason Belle was so stressed out. She looked at Belle who nodded at something Ash said and  at the same time she turned to look at Ana.

As soon as their eyes met, Ana knew Belle wasn't the one to blame for hiding it from her. Belle couldn't obviously tell her about Ethan's card in front of Uncle Ash.

She looked at the note in her hand which was a bit crumpled now because of being in Ana's hand.

She looked at Belle who was now zoned out. Uncle Ash wasn't in the room. The time was perfect to hand her the note.

But the doctor's words were ringing in her ears, 'don't stress her out'.

So, she decided against it and hid the not behind her back.

If a card was the reason of her nervous breakdown then the note she had was alot more harmful than that.


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