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Ana was sitting in Belle's hospital room updating her about recent events. Belle was listening to her with a smile and comments then and again but as soon as she mentioned Alexander and how he had saved her from those bullies that day, she frowned noticing the slight blush on her cheeks.

"Ana, look at me", Belle said.

Ana looked up at her.

"No!", Belle said looking in Ana's eyes. "That boy is not good!"

"Belle, I don't know......he has changed...", Belle interrupted her, "No, no, no! Don't. People like him don't change!"

"You're right. I'm being silly", Ana knew Belle was right.

"How's Ethan?", Belle asked.

"The same", Ana answered.

"Ana...don't think of me as a hypocrite but...I was considering about Ethan's note. I think he deserves an answer", Belle said.

"Really? And what that answer might be?", Ana asked.

Belle told Ana all that she had been thinking about for the past week.

"Ana, I'm begging you. Just this one favour. Do it for me, please! I won't be able to leave this hospital room but you will be", Belle said.


"Please! I was the one who kept him hanging. I feel guilty. I should have told him a long time ago that I didn't had any feelings towards him but instead I let it slide, thinking he would get over it himself", Belle said.

"Ok...Belle. But promise me you won't stress yourself out", Ana said.

"Promise", Belle agreed eagerly. She just wanted the weight lifted off her chest.

But the eagerness was for a short while. Belle immediately noticed Ash on the door, having no idea of how much he might have heard, "Ash?..."

Ana's eyes widened and she turned around too. Ash just glared at both of them and then proceeded to go, "Ash! You won't tell anyone, right? Please don't tell anyone!", Belle pleaded.

"Oh, then what do you expect me to do. Let her sneak out at night. I'm telling dad!", Ash turned around.

"You will get me in trouble, Ash!", Ana shouted.

Ash turned back around, "And sneaking out at night to see a boy is not something that can get you in trouble?!"

"You're talking like I've already done all of that. We just thought about it. I won't go, just please don't tell on me. I beg you!", Ana begged.

"Only if you both tell me the exact story. The truth this time", Ash demanded.

Ana turned to look towards Belle.

"Fine", Belle said.

They both filled Ash in with everything and now Ash was sitting on a chair and Ana was sitting besides Belle on her bed, "Hmm. Well, it's not what I assumed it to be", Ash concluded.

"But that does not means that Ana is going anywhere. Especially at night. Ana, my eyes will be on you", Ash said.

"Yes, Uncle Ashton", Ana said.

"Ana, I'm just looking out for both of you", Ash tried to explain himself.

"I know", Ana replied.


Ana was in school on Friday when she saw Ethan. She had an idea. She knew a way Ashton would let her go. She stood up from her seat, went behind him and called him. He turned around immediately.


"Ethan, I had to tell you something. The note you gave me, Belle didn't receive it  that day. Actually, I didn't gave it to her till the winter holidays ended because she wasn't well and I didn't wanted for her health to worsen, you know. Ethan.....she wants to answer your letter", Ana said.

And what she saw shocked her. Ethan grinned and suddenly started looking five years younger, "I'll be waiting."

"Not today! Tomorrow", Ana said.

"Done!", Ethan agreed immediately forgetting that he was still grounded then.


Ana was getting ready at Saturday night because she was going to stay in the hospital with grandpa or Belle's mother. She was praying for it to be Belle's mom because grandpa was a light sleeper.

When she descended down the stairs, she found out it was grandpa who was going but, "Ana, the driver's waiting. Go to the hospital. I'll be there a little late. Till ten pm to be exact. I'm just not feeling good today."

"Grandpa, why don't you take rest. Uncle Ash can come with me", Ana crossed her fingers.

"Ash has been staying up in the hospital since three days. He has started to look like a zombie. My boy has done alot to help me, even when he came here to spend his holidays. It would be a shame to not give him one night free, not that he would deny me", grandpa explained.

"What about Aunty Serafina?", Belle asked.

"She has been staying up since five days Don't worry Ana, I will be there before you know it. Ok?", grandpa assured her.

"Yes, grandpa", truth to be told, she was happy. She had two hours to go to Ethan to deliver Belle's message and come back.


Ana called Ash when as soon as she reached in the hospital. He picked up after two rings, "Ana?"

"Ash, I'm going. In the park. To deliver Belle's message to Ethan Martinez", Ana said all in one breath.

"Ana, I'm warning you.....", but Ana cut him off," can come if you want to."

"That I am, that is, if you go", the voice didn't came from the phone.

Ana turned around and Ash was there and now that she noticed, he was indeed looking like a zombie because of the lack of sleep, but still sharp awake.

"You're not going anywhere, Ana", Ash said.

"How did you find out?", Ana asked.

"Isn't it obvious, such a great opportunity to attempt a foolishness. Why would Mighty Ana want to lose it?", Ash mocked.

"I'm going", Ana declared.

"No, you're not. Or else I have your and my dad's number on speed dial. Which one you would like for me to dial first?", Ash threatened.

"Ash, please....", Ana started.

"Don't give me that look. A no means no!", Ash said.

"I'm going. You want to get me in trouble  then do it", Ana said turning towards the exit knowing Ash wouldn't do anything like that.

Ana reached towards the parking lot to look for her driver only to find Ash's Porsche.

"Want a ride?", Ash asked.

Ana gave him a confused look, "You were planning on coming with me all along."

"Yup", Ash smirked.

"You made me beg for something you were already planning to do!", Ana snapped.

"Yup", was all Ash said before getting I side the car and Ana following after him.


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