Belle, Ryan.

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Belle was sitting on her hospital bed, pondering about the situation and glancing at the clock nervously time and again, hoping she would be back before anyone else arrives.

The door to her room opened and in came Ryan. He was shocked when he saw Belle in her room. He had expected her to sneak out to meet Ethan as he had read in the note he stole from Ash.

"Belle? You're still here?", Ryan asked.

"What do you mean Ryan?", Belle asked.

Ryan showed her the note, "Shouldn't you be at the park?"

"What are you talking about?", Belle masked her fear.

"Tsk tsk tsk. Belle, you are a shitty actor. You know, it's pretty easy to steal from Ashton", Ryan said looking at the note.

Belle stayed quiet.

"Where's Ana? I don't see her anywhere", Ryan asked.

"In the restroom", Belle answered.

"She is not in the hospital, is she?", Ryan asked.

Belle didn't answered.

"Did she sneak out in your place?", Ryan asked.

Belle stayed quiet.

"I'll have to call grandpa now and tell him that Ana is nowhere", Ryan smirked.

"No Ryan! Dont. It's my fault. Show grandpa the note if you want to but leave Ana out of this", Belle got off her bed and pleaded.

"But Ana is missing. How can I just ig-OYE!", Belle snatched the note from him and tore it. She ran towards the bathroom and flushed the remnants of it in the toilet.

When she turned around, Ryan was standing on the door, "Clever! Very clever of you, Belle. But not clever enough. Ana's still missing."

"Ryan, for God's sake.....", but Ryan was already out of her room. She went after him but he was already on the phone with grandpa, "Yes....yes, grandpa. I've looked everywhere. Ana's not here!....Yes, I did.....I did ask the receptionist. They are telling me that they haven't seen her since almost 45 minutes.....Belle is sleeping....yeah, I'll wake her up and ask...yes, I'm waiting for you."

Ryan declined the call and smirked at Belle, "You two are going to be in alot of trouble."

After exactly ten minutes, grandpa, Belle's mom and Ana's mom arrived in the hospital.

"Grandpa, Belle does not knows where Ana is. She said Ana was here when she fell asleep", Ryan said while Belle kept quiet. The situation was complicated. If she said that Ana wasn't missing, everyone will ask her where she is.

Everyone went out of Belle's room and Belle was following too but the nurse stopped her, "My dear, it's better you stay in your room."

She made Belle sit on her bed, "Your condition is still sensitive and a situation like this can worsen your condition. So just relax, okay?"

Belle started blaming herself. It was she who had asked Ana to sneak out. All of it was her fault and one thing was for sure, this was going to get them into alot of trouble.


"HOW THE HELL CAN A GIRL GO MISSING FROM THE HOSPITAL JUST LIKE THAT?! I'LL SHUT DOWN THIS HOSPITAL. I'LL SUE YOU ALL I'M TELLING TOU!!", grandpa was shouting at the hospital's staff whole Ryan was standing, enjoying the show. Ana's mother was crying while Belle's mother was consoling her.

"Grandpa, we haven't checked the parking lot yet", Ryan said.

"Why would she he in the parking lot of all places?!", grandpa asked, still irritated.

"I don't just popped up in my mind", Ryan answered.

"Let's go", grandpa said. After all, one more place wasn't gonna hurt.

They exited the hospital.

"Ryan, give me your phone for a minute. Please", Ana's mom requested.

"She left her phone in Belle's room, Aunt", Ryan reminded her.

"No, I-I have to call Adrian. He...he should know about this", Ana's mom said.

Ryan was more than happy to oblige. The more, the merrier.

Ana's mother called her father, "Hello."

"A-adrian", Ana's mom said sniffing.

"Nairobi? Is everything alright? Why are you crying?", Ana's father asked.

"Adrian...Ana...", she started crying.

"Ana? What happened to her, Nairobi?! Nairobi! Answer me!", Adrian asked in a  worried tone.

"Ana was to stay with Belle tonight in the hospital but she's not there. Adrian...she..she's missing!", Nairobi explained.


"We looked everywhere. She's....", and she continued crying.


Nairobi gave the phone to grandpa and while grandpa was talking to Adrian, Serafina, Belle's mother started consoling her, "Everything will be fine."

"I just....I just want my baby back", Ana's mom continued crying.

"Is that Ana?", Belle's mom said pointing forwards.


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