Ashton Rodriguez.

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The man stood up, took his sun glasses off and forwarded his hand, "Ashton Rodriguez."
Ethan forwarded his hand too and shook hands with him, "Ethan Martinez."

"I know. I know", Ashton Rodriguez replied.

Ethan didn't knew who the man was but he carried the name 'Rodriguez', which means he may be Belle's relative.

"So Mr. Martinez, I'm here to ask you a question. Answer me truthfully. But if I find out that you lied......then let's say, you should know that I can get you suspended with the snap of my fingers", saying this he snapped his fingers in front of Ethan.

Usually Ashton was not arrogant like that but he could act like one whenever he wanted to. He was usually bubbly and cheerful but right now he had a job to get done and that is why he had his 'I'm-all-business' face on.

"Am I clear, Mr. Martinez?", Ashton asked.

"Yes, sir", Ethan replied.

"What is Isabelle Rodriguez to you?", Ashton asked without beating around the bush.

"Sir?", Ethan tried to look confused.

"You heard me. What is your relation with Isabelle Rodriguez?", Ashton asked.

"She is my class fellow, sir", Ethan replied.

"Didn't I tell you not to lie?", Ashton asked, glaring at him.

"I'm not lying, sir", Ethan tried to convince him.

"Is that so? Then why are you at her table every day, may I ask?", Ashton asked sharply.

"Sir, you must have heard wrong. I'm not at her table. Yes, I go to her table but not to talk to her but my cousin."

"Oh, really! Who is you cousin that you speak of?", Ashton asked.

"Sophia Miller", Ethan answered.

"Fine. You are free to go", Ashton said.

Ethan went towards the door and opened it, "Mr. Martinez?"

"Yes, sir", Ethan replied.

"If I find out that you're lying, you know the consequence", Ashton said.

"Yes, sir", Ethan said and walked out of the office.

When he reached the hallways, he started looking for Sophia, Belle and Ana's best friend.

He finally found her, talking to another girl. He rushed towards her, "Sophia!"

He reached her, "Sophia, a minute. Please."

Sophia excuse herself from the girl and turned towards him with a questioning look.

"Sophia, if someone, no scratch that. If a certain someone named Ashton Rodriguez asks you who I am to you, you tell him that I'm your cousin and I approach you every day at lunch time, not Belle", he said in one breath.

"Why?", Sophia asked.

"One of Belle's relative is here. He is inquiring about me and Belle and I believe it has something to do with why Belle was so tensed in the morning", Ethan answered.

"So tell him that and tell some more girls this, Ok?", Ethan requested.

"Yes, I'll do it if it brings Belle out of the trouble she is in", Sophia replied.

"Ok, Thank you", Ethan said and went towards his class, now relieved.


Ana was playing with her food at lunch time. She had just thanked Alexander for his kindness towards her and was now thinking through her conversation with him.

But then, her mind drifted towards Belle and now she wanted the day to get over as soon as possible so she can go and visit her in the hospital.

Sophia came and sat besides her, "Ana?"


"Do you know someone named Ashton Rodriguez?", Ana's head shot up at the name.

"Yes, I do. Why?", she asked.

"He was here. In the school. Inquiring about Ethan and Belle. Ethan told me. He made up a lie about him and me being cousins to save her neck and told me to do the same and then I told all the girls in our class to say the same if they are called to the principal's office too. After Ethan, he called for me and then for three more girls and I just saw him head out of the school", Sophia told her everything in one breath.

"Oh", was all Ana could say.


Ashton had just come out from school when he got a phone call, "Yes?"

"Did you find out anything?"

"Yes, I did", saying this Ashton told the person on the phone everything he had heard that day, "Boo Bear is innocent, dad."

"I see", was all he heard from the other side.

After a minute of silence the person on the other side of the phone said, "Ana didn't knew you were there the whole time, right?"

"She didn't, as long as I was in there. She may have found out till now from her friends."

"Very good. Now, one last thing. Bring Ana with you when you come to the hospital."

"Ok, bye", Ashton declined the call.


Ana was making her way towards her car when she saw a crowd at the spot where their driver usually parked.

She passed the crowd slowly only to find a familiar black Porsche and leaning on it was a familiar face, "Uncle Ash?"

Ashton took off his sun glasses, "Nuna!"

He came forward and took Ana into a bone crashing hug, "What are you doing here, Ash?"

"Vacations started in my college back in Columbia so I though why not spend some time with my beloved nieces", Ash answered.

"Why did you had to bring this car? It's gaining too much attention", Ana asked.

"You know Nuna, style has always been my thing. Besides, this beauty here was rotting in the garage before I took it out", Ash replied.

Ana smiled at that, "Whatever, let's go."


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