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Ana was going towards her room at ten at night, dressed in her spongebob pyjamas when she came across Ryan.

"Ana! I was just looking for you", Ryan said.

"Why?", Ana asked irritated. She already knew what was that about.

"Well, set your alarm for 3 am in the morning as you'll be opening the door for me."

"Ryan, stop it. Even school has started. You should not be out so late. Stop this nonsense now. Or else.."

"Or else what!", Ryan snapped. "You'll tell grandpa. Huh! I'll tell him about your lie too."

That shut Ana up. She was hell afraid of how grandpa would react if he found out that Ana had lied so she could go to a party!

"Now, will you tell on me?", Ryan asked.

Ana looked down.

"That's what I thought", Ryan said and went.

Ana sighed and turned to go towards her room only to fing Ash standing behind her.

She gulped hard.

"Was he threatening you about something?", he asked.

She knew lying won't work in front of him. It will only make him angry, "Yes."

"With what?"

"About a lie I told?"

"And why was he threatening you, may I ask?"

"We were just arguing. I threatened him and......vice versa", Ana told only the half truth.

"Your lie is bigger or his?"

Ana didn't answered.

"Yours. 1 to 10?"



"I don't know, 8?", that came out more like as a question.

"Is there something you're not telling me?"


"Tell dad."


"You heard me. Don't tell me but atleast tell dad."

"Then he'll tell on me."

"What did you lie about?"

"That attendance would be taken in winter formal."

"Is that big as compared to what he's hiding?"

"I don't know, okay! Leave me alone now!", Ana snapped and went towards her room.


Ana was getting ready for school when she remembered Alexander. He had wound his handkerchief around her wound. She had asked the doctor for it but she told him that she threw it away.
Now Ana thought about giving him a new one.

She went to her mother and asked for one. She told him to look at a certain place in the cupboard. She looked at them and selected the blue one.


Now, Ana was crossing the hallway to go towards her locker. She was looking around for Alexander. And she saw him. Going towards the opposite direction.

"Excuse me!", she tried to stop him but he didn't hear her.

She went after him and called again, "Excuse me! Alexander!"

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