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Ryan went towards the lounge where grandpa had called him. When he reached there, grandpa was on the phone with someone.

He declined the phone and motioned for Ryan to sit.

"Ryan, Charlie told me not to let you go to the school party", Grandpa started.

"But why!", Ryan whined.

"Well, he has his reasons. Besides, your record is not that clear either", grandpa said.

"Well, I regret that", Ryan said.

"I tried but he won't listen. He said he'll take you back with him to Romania if you don't listen", grandpa said.

Charlie, Grandpa George's second son had a different interest than his three brothers. All his brothers went in business while he had interest in becoming a lawyer.

Now, all his brothers were in Columbia while he was in Romania. He had sent his son, Ryan to California because he wanted him to learn some discipline with his grandfather like his two nieces were.

He wanted Ryan to learn discipline because last year he had caught him with his friends, drunk. Now when he heard about him going out to a school party, he totally disagreed. No way in hell he was going to let history repeat itself.

"SO THOSE TWO GET TO GO AND I DONT, THAT'S NOT FAIR!", Ryan shouted so loudly that everyone gathered in the lounge, well except for the maids.

"Ryan, calm down", grandpa said.

"Why did my father object when their's didn't", Ryan said pointing to Ana and Belle, "O yeah! I know. Because they don't give a fuck about them. They don't even care that their daughters are...Oh! That's where the problem lies, they are girls. Not sons. They just want them dead-"

"HOLD YOUR TONGUE RYAN!", Belle was about to attack Ryan but Ana held her back.

"Ryan, behave!", grandpa told him.

"Tell you what, if they are going then I'm not staying in this prison either. I'll go to my friend's or something but I will not stay here", Ryan said.


Ana and Belle were in Ana's room when Belle said, "I can't believe he just said all that. Why did he lash out his anger on us?"

"Belle, it's fine. It's not like what he said will come true", Ana said while folding her clothes.

"Ana, what you wearing for the party?", Belle asked.

"Don't know yet. You tell me what are you wearing?", Ana asked.

"I was just about to go and see but that Ryan ruined it. I'm just glad he's not coming", Belle said.

"Celebrate all you want girls but believe me when I say it's not going to last for long", Ryan said while coming inside the room.

"What do you want Ryan?", Belle asked.

"Relax. I'm just here to warn you girls. Either you listen to me or I'll tell on you two", Ryan said calmly.

"What are you talking about, Ryan?", Ana asked.

Ryan walked towards her, "Well, first of all tell me Ana, why are you so eager to go to the winter formal?"

Ana stayed quiet.

"I know you lied Ana. I'm in the Junior year. Do you really think I'll not know that you lied about the attendance thing?", Ryan said.

"At first I didn't say anything because I was also going but now that I'm not. So, I'll tell grandpa that you lied", Ryan continued.

"Leave her alone, Ryan! What happened with you was your own fault", Belle said.

"Well, last thing. Both of you arrange for me to go with you or else the consequence won't be good", Ryan threatened.

"How the hell do you expect me to arrange for you to go?", asked Ana.

"I don't know. Make an excuse. Something like there will be too many boys so you both will feel safe with me around:, Ryan suggested.

Ana said nothing.

"Do it or you'll regret not listening to me", Ryan said and walked out.

"Urrgghhhh....I hate him!", Belle exclaimed.


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