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Belle and Ana were sitting on a bench waiting for their driver to arrive.

"Ana, we'll have to do something or else Ryan will tell grandpa that we lied", Belle said.

"What if he doesn't even allows us to go if we take Ryan's side", Ana wasn't sure about what to do.

"We'll have to take the chance", Belle said.

"I don't know. I don't want him there anymore with us", Ana said.

"Like we have any other choice", Belle said.

The driver arrived and they both made their way towards the car.

"Where's Ryan?", Ana asked.

"He was there just a minute ago", Belle said.

"Well, he must be nearby. I'm going to see where he is", Ana said.

"Wait. He must be with his friends. You know he doesn't like it when we go to him when his friends are around. Just wait a minute, he'll be back", Belle said.

It was true, Ryan always forbid them to come anywhere near him when his friends were around. Something about his friends being complete flirts and provocatives.

Fifteen minutes passed but there was no sign of Ryan.

Ana placed her bag inside the car, "That's it. I'm going to look for him."

"I'm coming too", Belle said.

They decided to look for him where they usually saw him with his friends. And he was there but something was off. They were unusually quiet so Belle pulled Ana back and motioned for her to keep quiet.

Together they both peeked at the corner and saw all of them exchanging some packets.


Isabelle nudged Ana and she took out her phone and started recording the scene.

Then they both came out from behind the wall, "Well, look who do we have here", Ana started.

Ryan hid the packet behind his back.

He then paced towards both of them, held their arms and started dragging them towards the car, "Didn't I told you both not to come in front of my friends!"

"But i thought you would protect us from boys like you would at the winter formal, brother", Belle said.

Ryan came to a halt, "You both didn't took that seriously, now did you? You both know I will do no such thing and you both know it. Speaking of which, Ana you will talk to grandpa or should I?"

"I will not talk to him about anything", Ana declared.

"Why, may I ask?", Ryan asked.

"Because if I do that, there is a chance that he won't even let us go then. So, I am doing no such thing", Ana said.

"Well then, I guess it's me who'll be talking to him", Ryan threatened indirectly.

"Oh no brother, that's where you are wrong. You are not the only one who will talk to grandpa, I will too", Ana said.

"Good girl", Ryan smirked thinking that he won.

"Not for you idiot!", Belle exclaimed.

"What do you mean?", Ryan asked.

"I mean not 'for you' but 'about you'", Belle elaborated.

"What about me?", Ryan got confused.

"This", saying this Ana should him the video. That caught Ryan off guard.

"So, here's the deal. Sew your mouth and I'll do the same", Ana said.

"And vice versa, of course", Belle included.

Ryan glared at both of them, "This doesn't ends here", and he dashed towards the car.


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