Ryan, Ethan.

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Ana climbed down the stairs in the morning after she got dressed for school. She started looking for Ash as he was going to drop her. After looking around a bit, she made her way towards grandpa's room.

There she saw Ash, grandpa, Ryan and his father.

'He's here already. Well, that was fast', Ana thought.

Ash was standing on the side, while grandpa, Ryan and Ryan's father, Uncle Tobias were standing in the middle, talking. More like, Ryan was being lectured.

She couldn't make out exactly what they were saying but by the looks of it, Ryan answered back something inappropriate, earning a slap from his father.

His father then held his collar and was probably going to beat him and grandpa was trying to stop him by reasoning with him but all of them froze when a gasp escaped Ana's lips.

Everyone turned to look at her, well except for Ryan who hadn't moved since the second he was slapped.

Ana was then feeling sorry for Ryan. Uncle Tobias was the most aggressive of all the brothers and she knew that even if grandpa succeed in saving him there, Ryan will still get a good beating back home.

Without Ana knowing, grandpa gave Ash 'the look' and Ash grabbed Ana by her shoulders and together they walked out of the house.

The whole ride till school was silent except for Ash telling Ana, "I fixed your appointment to the doctor in the afternoon, just like you wanted so that you can go meet Belle", and Ana thanking him.


At dismissal time, Ana was waiting for her driver to arrive to take her to the hospital where Ash and Belle were waiting for her when she noticed Ethan sitting on the stairs leading towards the ground, alone.

She didn't knew what came over her and she went to sit next to him.

Ethan noticed someone sitting next to him and turned his head, only to be shocked to see that it was Ana.

"How are you?", Ana started.

"Alive", Ethan answered leaving Ana speechless. Ethan was not the one for short replies as far as she knew it.

They sat in a surprisingly comfortable silence for a while until Ethan asked, "What would you have done?"


"What if Xander and You loved each other? What would you have done then?", Ethan's elaboration took Ana off guard.

"I don't know."

"Still? What would you have done if you were in Belle's place?"

"I really don't know how to answer to that."

"Just think!", Ethan insisted. He was hoping for a solution in Ana's answer.

"Ethan....what is the use of thinking about something which never did and never will happen?", Ana replied.

Ethan sighed. He was disappointed by her reply but knew she was right. The Xander he knew was not right for a girl like Ana in any sense.

He knew there was a time Ana had feelings for Xander but what changed it, he didn't had any clue. So he didn't push it. Instead, he asked, "Why do you think Xander tried to play you?"

"You mean to ask why he didn't want to be serious with me?", Ana asked.

"I guess?", that came out more like a question.

"I guess it's because I'm....ugly", Ana hesitated.

"I'm pregnant."

"What!", Ana exclaimed.

"What? I thought we were stating things that were impossible", Ethan replied and when Ana didn't reply, he gave her a smile, which obviously didn't reach his eyes.

Ana turned her head and stared forward, at nothing in particular.

"You know what I think was the reason?", Ethan asked.

"What?", Ana asked, still staring ahead.

"Because he is a total d****ead!", Ethan replied.

"He has no idea what a gem he has lost", Ethan continued.

They sat in another comfortable silence. After five minutes, Ana turned around and then stood up, "My driver's here."

She took a few steps towards the car but then turned around, "Oi Romeo!"

That caught Ethan's attention as he was lost in his trance. He gave Ana a questioning look.

"I'll help you get Belle back", Ana said. Ethan's face lit up and he smiled his signature toothy smile after a long time.

Ana smiled back at him and then turned around to go towards the car.


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