Anastasia, Isabelle.

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Ana reached home and went straight towards her room. She saw Grace, who was her maid servant, who had looked after her since childhood, placing a glass of juice for her to drink.

"Mama! I have a party to go to tonight. Will you please take out that new dress I bought?", Ana asked.

"The one you bought last month?", Grace asked.

"No,the one from last week", Ana answered.

Grace's eyes widened, "Ana dear, your mother won't be happy about this."

"Please...don't tell her then and she won't know", Ana requested.

"Ok, fine", Grace said.

"THANKYOUTHANKYOUTHANKYOU", Ana squealed and hugged her.

Grace laughed at her antics and then left.


Meanwhile, when Isabelle reached home and went towards her room, she saw Emma, her maid-servant placing a glass of juice on the table for her.

"Ma, I'm headed to a party tonight. I can't decide what I want to wear? You have any suggestions?", Belle asked.

"I don't know. Wear anyone of them. It's not like the party's special, or is it?", Emma teased.

Emma knew about Ethan as at one point his name had slipped out of Ana's mouth accidentally. Then when Ana ran out of the room, Belle had to tell her everything and since then Emma also started teasing Belle.

"It's not that ma and you know it", Belle said.

"Fine, if you say so. How about the orange one?", Emma asked.

Eww. Who wears orange at school party?", Belle scrunched her nose.

"", Emma suggested again.

"No! I'll just see what Ana's wearing. Maybe she'll give me an idea", Belle said.


Ana and Belle were all ready for the winter formal and were currently standing in front of their grandpa who was smiling and both of them while Ryan was standing behind scowling at them.

"Both of you are looking very beautiful. Amelia, take a picture of both of them", grandpa said.

Amelia did as she was told. She took several pictures of both of them together, then separately, with their mothers and lastly with grandpa too.

Soon, the driver arrived and it was time for both of them to leave.

"Back home till 9:30 sharp, is that clear girls?", grandpa asked.

"Yes, grandpa", both of them answered in unison.


Ana and Belle reached school at sharp 7:00 PM. They bought their tickets and waited a while for Sophia to arrive.

Sophia arrived and all three of them went inside together. The photographer at the entrance clicked a picture of them together.

Belle noticed Ethan standing at the corner near the entrance and smiling at her. She smiled back at him for the first time and it made Ethan smile wider, if that was even possible.

When they entered inside the gym, where the winter formal was being held, Ana looked around, hoping to see Alexander.

She felt eyes on her from behind. She turned around and saw Alexander leaning against the wall, smiling at her.

Sophia called Ana and Ana turned back around and listened to what she had to say.


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