Belle, Ana.

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Belle was in her room at her house. Yes, she was home. Finally. After her flight back to Columbia, she would just have to go to a few check ups and there, she would be free.

However, she knew once they were back to Columbia, she won't be sick anymore. She would be her old self again.

Her mother had been jumpy lately. Belle was discharged early. Her doctor wasn't happy about it, nor about her travelling. So whenever Belle so much as sneezed, her mother fussed about it and that was annoying Belle.

The second thing which had her annoyed was that she expected Ana to not leave her side for a minute when she reached home but instead, Ana was busy packing. And she was left alone in her boring room. All she could do was watch TV. Nobody even allowed her to help with the packing no matter how much she insisted.

But she was a bit more happy that day as compared to the other days. Grandpa had permitted her to invite Sophia for a last goodbye.

Belle was relieved that they were leaving. That she wouldn't have to face Ethan again. Somewhere in her heart, she didn't want to leave him. But she knew it was for the best. She was just going with the flow. She had agreed to go because Ana had. She was just letting fate decide her destination.

Sophia came that evening. Belle noticed that Ana was not as excited about going to Columbia as she was trying to show. Belle knew Ana didn't like it there.

After Sophia went, Belle asked Ana about it to which Ana replied was saying that she was being delusional and there was no such thing like that.

After that, Belle let it slide. She felt like Ana was somewhat doing the same thing as her, 'going with the flow.' She just hoped Ana would get over it sooner or later.


"Get your lazy ass up, young lady!", Ana's mother woke her up from her comfortable sleep.

Ana looked at the clock, "Mom it's six in the morning!"

"And you have school. Get up Ana! You have been missing school since three days!", her mon exclaimed.

Ana sighed, "You are talking like it matters. Who cares if I'm missing school! We are moving back to Colombia. I have to start highschool again."

"That doesn't means that you can mope around. Go to school. Atleast you'll be doing something, which is better than using your phone all day!", her mom complained.

"I help you in packing too!", Ana exclaimed.

"Don't you want to meet your friends for the last time?", her mom asked a bit softly this time. She had been worrying about her daughter's mental health alot lately. With all the things that had happened recently, especially when Ryan blamed Ana for having an affair too. She was afraid that Ana too would have the same reaction as Belle's. She was relieved a bit when Ana wasn't inquired about it. Keyword being, 'a bit.'

"I'll meet them when I go to collect my books from school. Now, excuse me", Ana answered, putting her blanket on her face.

Her mother removed it, "Fine. Then get ready for breakfast. Then I have some work for you."

"Later. Let me sleep now", Ana groaned.

"Breakfast, Ana", her mother reminded.

"Later", Ana replied.

"You know the rules. Grandpa will not like it and you know it", her mother said.

"Fine. Just give me a second!", Ana huffed.

"Does grandpa know that you are missing school?", her mother asked.

"Yes. And he doesn't mind. Now please!", Ana said.

"You don't want to go, do you? Back to Columbia?", her mother finally bundled up the courage and asked.

Ana sat up and sighed, "Oh come on, mom! You know me better than that. If I don't want to do something, I never do it. What's wrong with you all!"

Ana's mom sat besides her and hugged her, "I know you are doing this for grandpa but it will be alright. We will try not to fight. Your dad and I."

"'Try', really! That's the best you can give?", Ana broke the hug and scoffed.

"I will be at my best. But you know how your father is", her mom tried to reason.

"Really, mom. If he were here, you both would have fought at this statement too", Ana said

"Is it my fault that I speak my heart?", her mom teased.

"Mom!", Ana exclaimed.

"Okay, okay", Ana's mom surrendered. "Just tell us if we are too much. Hmm?"

Ana sighed again.

This was going to be very hard.


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