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Ana was standing alone looking at couples dancing together on the dance floor when Lily came towards her and greeted her.

Ana did the same, "Lily! Why are you so late?"

"I was with Beth. She is such a mess. I don't know what she saw in that Xander!", Lily exclaimed.

"Whose Xander? What are you talking about?", Ana asked.

"Xander, that Alexander Nickels. He dumped Beth this morning and she is a crying mess right now", Lily answered.

"Alexander Nickels? Are you sure?", Ana asked.

"Well, who else? That motherfucker!", Lily exclaimed again.

"There must be a reason he dumped her", Ana reasoned, more like convinced herself.

"No, there isn't. He somehow enjoys doing it, playing with girls' feelings. It's his favourite sport", Lily said.

"If that is the case, then why she dated him in the first place?", Ana prayed for all of it to be false.

"Because Beth didn't knew about his playboyish ways. Same happened with Lizzy and before Lizzy, with Sapphire too. I've talked to all three of them, he does the same thing with every girl, shows her that he likes her, makes her feel special, when the girl is sure that he is interested in her, she approaches him and after some time, he dumps the girl for a reason. God knows what! The ones who know how he is like, dodge him while others get trapped. He does the same with every girl-", Lily saw Tania nearby, "-hey, Tanni!", she called for her, excused herself from Ana and went towards her to talk to her.

While Ana's head started spinning. She thought she was special but boy she had never been so wrong in her life. All this time when she thought he was interested in her only, Alexander had been in multiple relationships. He was just playing with her feelings like he played with every other girl's. She was not special, she was just a sport in his eyes.

Alexander was standing behind Ana and was just about to place his hand on her shoulder when Ana rushed towards somewhere. He even called out an 'excuse me!' to stop her but she didn't heard it and got away leaving Xander renounced and confused.

Ana went inside the restroom. She stood in front of the mirror trying to control her tears and when she couldn't,  she opened the tap water and washed out all the make up she had applied while tears kept flowing out of her eyes.

After she was done, she looked up in the mirror but couldn't stop crying even when she knew he was not worth it. The door of the restroom opened and someone entered inside. Ana turned her face towards the opposite side to hide her tears.

Belle went inside the restroom and washed her hands. While washing her hands, she noticed someone wearing clothes same like Ana's, standing, facing the wall.

'Wait, is that Ana?', Belle thought.

Belle went towards her and called her simultaneously turning her around but Ana's crying took her off guard, "Ana, what happened! Why are you crying?"

Ana steadied herself, "I-I wasn't crying. Something got in my eyes."

"Oh, I see", Belle said, not believing her. She made a mental note to ask Ana about it afterwards.

"You want me to redo your makeup before we go out?", Belle asked.

"No. Belle.....I was thinking about going back home, if that's ok with you", Ana suggested.

"Ok. Then home it is", Belle confirmed.


Ana went straight towards her room, climbed on her bed and got inside the covers. She got zoned out for a bit too long and after some time, she was about to fall asleep when she heard her mom's voice, "Oh, there you are! Why didn't you tell me you were back? You should have informed me like Belle informed her mother."

Ana sat up and looked at the time, 12:30 a.m., "Mom, why are you up so late?"

"I fell asleep but then I saw a dream. About you", Ana's mom said sitting on the bed while Ana hugged her.

"Not again, mumma", Ana whined.

"You were crying", her mom said.

At that moment, Ana felt like crying. She had lied to her elders for a stupid boy. The guilt was eating her from inside. She felt like smacking herself but instead, she sat up straight to look at her mom, "Look at me. Am I crying?"

"I know, I just got worried", her mom confessed.

Ana laid back down, "Mom, I lied. I lied that going to this party was important."

"I knew", her mom said.

"You did! Then why didn't you say anything?", Ana asked.

"Well, first you tell me why you lied?", her mom asked.

"Because I thought I deserved a day off", Ana only stated the half truth.

"And you did. But no lying again", her mother answered.

Hearing this, a heavy load got lifted from Ana's chest but her mother's next words made her feel guilty again, "As long as you abide by the rules."


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