Belle, Ethan, Ana, Xander.

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Throughout Winter Vacations i.e. 8 days:

Ana went to visit Belle in the hospital every day. Well, except for her appointment days.

As Belle had a nervous breakdown recently, the doctor said that she wasn't going to be discharged any sooner.

Belle's health was improving day by day and she was starting to look less stressed out. Belle told Ana about Ethan's card as soon as they got chance. Ana also told Belle that it was Alexander who had helped her bring Belle to the hospital. Listening to that, Belle strictly told Ana not to grow a soft spot for him again and that he wasn't healthy for her. Ana agreed with her. That's what Sophia had told her too.

Ethan's note was still with Ana. She didn't wanted to take any risk. But inside, guilt was eating Ana. She was feeling bad for Ethan too. Ethan must think that he got rejected when Belle didn't show up that night. He must be so heart broken.

Another thing was bothering Ana. Ryan. He had started sneaking out at night and called Ana at two or three a.m. to open the door for him. And when she refused, he would just threaten her about her attendance lie which she had told at the time of winter formal. She knew that she would have to do something about it soon or else the outcome won't be good.

"One day, Ana didn't visit Belle that's when Belle asked Ash, So, when are you and Ana starting?"

"Starting what?"

"Exploring the city."

"We're not."


"Ana feels happy when she visits you. And you feel happy too when Ana visits. I'm happy if you both are happy. Besides, it won't be fun without you."

"Liar, grandpa didn't allow it. Did he?", Belle asked playfully.

"I didn't asked him."

Belle gave him a 'I-don't-believe-you' look.

"I didn't. And besides, dad never says no to me. How many times have you heard him tell me no?"

"Honestly? Never", Belle agreed.


Alexander had been a bit busy with his feelings lately. Firstly, he went and checked Ana's locker. How did he knwe the passcode, if you ask then the answer is who wouldn't after standing behind a person almost half a year when he/she opens it.

He checked her locker because he thought Ana was interested in someone else and that was the reason she was avoiding him.

The next day when he thought about it, he felt strange. He had never been jealous in his life. After thinking about it a while, he just shook it off and started packing for the camping trip with his friends.

Camping started feeling new and exciting all of a sudden though he had been on camping a thousand times. Ana was on his mind 24/7 and it wasn't overwhelming at all. He even used to think about the day Ana was crying when Belle had fallen unconscious. He used to feel how she felt at that time.

He was becoming a better person. It was, as if Ana was building him up. He started to imagine Ana with him in everything he did. And all that was something he was feeling for the first time for a girl.

Heck he was even feeling happy about going back to school and a bit nervous too about seeing Ana again.


Ethan's vacations proved to be the worst vacation of his life. He waited for Belle that night. He waited for her till midnight.

The next night, he did the the same.

And the next night.

And the night after that.

He waited for her every single night of the vacation in the park thinking that something must have came up that's why she wasn't showing up.

On the last night if the vacation, he ended up waiting till two in the morning. His parents already didn't like it when he returned at midnight and got really mad when he showed up extra late that night.

Ethan ended up being grounded for two weeks as a punishment.


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