Ana, Ethan.

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Ash and Ana were sitting inside the car outside the park.

Ash was impatiently drumming his fingers on the steering wheel, "Where the fuck is he?"

"I don't know", Ana answered. Ash had been asking the same question since fifteen minutes.

"What do you mean you don't know!", Ash snapped for the hundredth time.

"Ash stop it. Stop asking me the same question again and again. Please! I'm tensed too", Ana snapped back.

"Just five more minutes. Then we are leaving", Ash announced.

"Ten or fifteen", Ana demanded.

"Only if you tell me what Belle's answer is", Ash demanded back.

"All you had to do was ask", Ana said.

"So, it's a yes or no?", Ash asked.

"Ash....", Ana was about to tell him but they both heard a motorcycle stopping nearby.

"Is it him?", Ash asked.

"Let him take his helmet off first." The one who was at the front took off his helmet. It was Alexander.

Ana's eyes widened.

Ethan then took off his helmet and looked towards the car too.

"Why are there two of them?", Ash asked.

"We are two too", Ana answered.

"And you were planning on coming alone here", Ash mocked.

"Come on, Ash. Not now!", Ana snapped. "Stay in the car. I'll just go out and talk."

"No way in hell you are getting out of this car without me", Ash said.

"Fine. Just stay at a distance. Okay?", Ana said.

"Fine", Ash huffed.

They both got out of the car. Ash leaned against the hood of the car while Ana walked towards Ethan.

Ethan was expecting Belle to come out too but got confused when saw the car empty.

All this time, Ash was burning holes in Ethan with his gaze but that was least of his worries right now. He wanted to see Belle whom he hadn't seen since almost two weeks.

He looked at Ana wo was now standing in front of him, "Belle being here was a yes and her being not here was a no. What does your presence say?"

"What do you think?", Ana asked.

"I don't know", Ethan shrugged.

Ana sighed, "A yes and a NO."

Ethan furrowed his eyebrows. So did Alexander and Ash.

Ethan opened his mouth to say something but words didn't form.

Seeing his confused expression, Ana continues, "Yes she loves you."

A smile formed on Ethan's lips but vanished as soon as Ana explained the other half of the expression, "No, she will never be yours."

"But she loves me!", Ethan exclaimed not believing his ears.

"And look where is she now. In a hospital. Why, you ask. Because she had a nervous breakdown when she got blamed for being in a relationship with you", Ana said.

"That's not how it happens in our family, Ethan. Accept it, you are unhealthy for her. She is scared of what you might do, every second. That day.....the day when you sent her a card, she had another nervous breakdown", Ethan's eyes widened.

"You know why. Because she got scared just by thinking that what would have happened if someone else had gotten hold of it before her. Ethan.....stay away from her. That's the best you can do if you want her to be well and fit again. Ethan, she is too sensitive to bear anything like this again. So please, forget her", Ana finished.

"How can I forget her that easily?! TELL HER THAT MY LOVE FOR HER IS NOT A CHILD'S PLAY!", Ethan was clearly furious with what he was hearing.

Ana flinched when he shouted. It was the first time she heard him shout. She was looking down then when she said, "She's sorry for what happened. She truly is, Ethan. She blames herself. You know what she told me before I was coming here? She said that all this wouldn't have happened if she would have told you seriously that she wasn't interested."

Ethan covered his face with his hands to control his tears and when he had controlled them, he removed his hands from his face and looked away from Ana trying to hide his vulnerable side. He then sat on the bench nearby and stared at the space ahead of him.

"Ethan, please try to understand. You will only get Belle in more trouble if you don't understand. Ethan, you'll have to give up. For Belle. She would be very thankful if you do it", Ana completed what she had to say and turned back towards the car.

"Is Belle's love that weak that she can't even take a stand for herself?", this time it was Alexander who spoke.

Ana turned around, "Not weak. Just not stronger than the love for her family."


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