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Ana entered inside the house after coming back from the hospital. She finally had the plaster off from her hand.

She made her way straight towards her room as it had been a long day.

She changed into some more comfortable clothes and when she came out of the bathroom, her maid servant informed her that grandpa had called for her.

She climbed downstairs and went towards grandpa's room. She knocked on the door and entered when she heard a faint 'come in'.

Grandpa was sitting on his arm chair.

"Grandpa, you called for me?", Ana asked.

"Yes...I...(cough)..I did. I did", grandpa said. His voice was barely audible.

Ana went and sat on her knees at his feet and held his hands, "Granpa? Are you ok?"

"I'm fine...(cough)...caught cold...(sneeze and a couple of coughs).."

"Grandpa! I'll fetch Uncle Ash. You should be at the doctor's!", Ana exclaimed.

"I'll go to the doctor but was your day?", Ana, grandpa asked.

"Good. But now that my hand is fine, I have a month of school work on pending and I seriously don't have any idea about where to start", Ana answered knowing that granpa had something to tell her which could be related to what he was asking.

"Then atleast you will be happy", granpa said and then coughed again.

"Happy? About what?", Ana asked.

Grandpa sighed, "Ana...I know I promised to you both that we won't be moving until you and Belle pass highschool but.....(cough)...Ana I'm, I'm old now. I can't handle situations like I used to be able to. Look what Ryan did! If I were my old self, he wouldn't have dared to attempt a stunt like that..."


"If Ash wasn't here, I don't know how I would have handled Belle's situation. Ana....I am old and tired. last wish is that I want to die in my hometown", grandpa completed.

"Grandpa!", Ana exclaimed at the last part.

"It's true, Ana. I'm not going to live forever now, am I? I just want both of you girl's consent. Ash is leaving next week. If you both agree, then we all will leave with him", grandpa said.


Grandpa was in the hospital. He was there with Ash. After his appointment with the doctor, he went towards Belle's hospital room while Ash was off buying medicines.

Belle was just about to fall asleep when grandpa entered inside her hospital room. She sat up straight immediately and smiled.

"I didn't disturb you, did I?", he asked.

"No grandpa", Belle answered. A yawn escaped her lips.

"It won't take much time", grandpa assured.

"What wouldn't take time, grandpa?", Belle asked, confused.

"Belle...I talked to Ana about this too and she has agreed and now I am asking you too. Belle, do you have any problem if we move back to Columbia?", granpa asked.

It took Belle off guard, "What? Back to Columbia?"

"We won't, if you don't want to", grandpa said.

"Ana agreed?", this was something that had confused Belle. As far as she knew, Ana liked California better.

"Yes, she did", grandpa answered.

"But why, grandpa? Why moving back so suddenly?", Belle asked.

"I know it is against the promise I made before but Belle I'm old now. I am not what I used to be. Look what Ryan did! If I was....."

"Granpa! What Ryan did was not your fault!", Belle exclaimed.

"Still", grandpa replied.

Belle stayed quiet.

"Take your time, Belle", grandpa said and left the room.


Ana came out of her room to help her mother set the table for dinner. She had a frown etched on her face. She didn't like the idea of moving back to Columbia a bit but she had to agree because of grandpa's condition. She was hoping that he would be just homesick and that there wasn't more to the story.

"Thanks for getting me in trouble, Ana", Ryan said.

Ana didn't answer.

Her father had strictly told her not to talk to Ryan.

"What? Cat got your tongue! You set me up", he accused.

"It was you who crossed the limits", Ana replied.

"I will always remember this, Ana. Watch out bec-"

"Ryan!", Ryan was cut off by his father who had just arrived from the airport after booking the flight to Romania and was there to get Ryan.

He went and stood in front of Ryan, "Why are you bothering her when I clearly told you to stay away from her!?"

Ryan didn't answer.

"You just wait till we reach home. Get your bag!", he ordered and Ryan went to fetch his bag.

Uncle Tobias, Ryan's father then turned towards Ana.

"Greetings, Uncle", Ana said remembering her manners.

He nodded his head, kept his hand on Ana's head and then went to fetch Ryan.


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