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Isabelle was sitting on her hospital bed with her head down while her grandfather was apologising to her in front of the whole family.

"Belle...I'm truly sorry for the words I said to you earlier. Believe me, right now I'm so ashame-"

"No, grandpa! Don't. I forgive you. It's ok. You did what you thought was right and good for me. I have no complains", Belle cut him grandfather off.

"Ryan, aplogise to her. Now", Grandpa ordered.

"Why? I just told you what I saw. It's not my fault if it turned out like this", Ryan protested.

"Ryan Colin Rodriguez, we all know what you intended to do. So, I suggest apologise to her. NOW!", grandpa scolded.

"I'm sorry, Belle", Ryan stated.

"Your father is coming to take you back to Romania", Grandpa told Ryan.

"WHAT THE FUCK!", Ryan cursed.

"LANGUAGE, RYAN!", grandpa shouted.

"I'm not going anywhere! I don't want to", Ryan said.

"Too bad. You have to", Ashton chipped in.

"You stay out of this! I know you are lying to save her. I'll see you. I'll see all of you. Uncle Ashton, you are lying to grandpa. You should be ashamed of yourself!", Ryan snapped.

"RYAN! ENOUGH! You are not to talk to him that way. He's older than you", grandpa scolded him again.

"Only five years", Ryan said.

"Ryan, I suggest you behave or the consequences won't be good", grandpa threatened.

Ryan quieted down.


"How are you, Belle?", her father asked her through the call grandpa had made to him.

"I'm fine, dad", Belle replied.

"Baby, I'm really sorry for not trusting you earlier. But I.....I just...I'm really sorry Belle", her father apologized to her.

"It's ok, dad. It's fine. I'm just glad it got over quickly", Belle accepted her dad's apology.

"So, when are you getting out of the hospital?"

"Soon dad."

"I'll try to visit."




"I said I'll try."

"Fine. But do try your hardest."

"I will."

"Bye, dad."

"Bye", Belle declined the call.

"Ok then, we're leaving. Get well soon, Belle. Your mom will be staying with you", grandpa stood up

"But I'll get bored. Can Ana stay too?", Belle asked.

Grandpa smiled, "On the weekend. She has school tomorrow."

"Can I miss it for one day. Please, grandpa. I can't write anything anyways", Ana requested.

"If you miss out then who'll help Belle cover up the syllabus after she gets discharged."

"Ana, grandpa does have a point", Ana's mom said.

"Fine. But when after two days winter vacations start, I'll be visiting her every day", Ana said.

"Nearly every day, grandpa corrected her, you have your doctor's appointments for your hand too."

"Point", Ana said.

Grandpa let out a laugh, "You both never leave each other. Wonder what will you both do when I marry you two off?"

"Well then, we will marry in the same household", Belle answered making everyone laugh.


Ana sat in the car, "Finally, freedom!"

Ash laughed at her antics.

"What?", Ana asked.

"Nothing. Just remembering my school days", Ash answered.

"To the hospital, right?", Ana asked.

"I was thinking about ice cream", Ash said.

"Well, let's get it in parcel. We will eat it with Belle", Ana suggested.

"You both don't do anything without each other, don't you?"

"You bet we don't."

"Don't tell dad though, he'll scold me. It's winter season."

"Don't worry. My lips are sealed", Ana promised.


Ash was buying ice cream through drive thru while Ana was in her own world. She was thinking about the note.

Ethan's note.

To Belle.


Ana had her bag slung on her left shoulder and she was also holding some books in her left hand. She reached at her locker.

She tried to open it with her right hand but it was no use. Her right hand was numb. Her left hand was not free. She looked around for a place to keep the books while she opened the locker when someone took the books from her hand.

She turned around to see that it was Ethan. She gave him a light smile and said a 'thank you'. He smiled back at her and nodded but his smile didn't reached his eyes as usual.

Ana opened her locker. Ethan took her bag from her shoulder and handed her the books. He held out her bag for her too so she could put some books in it too.



"How's Belle?"


"Will you do me a favour?"

"Uuhhhh.....what favour, may I ask?"

He took out a paper from his pocket which was neatly folded, "Will you give this to Belle, please?"

"I don't know. What is this?", Ana hesitated.

"Just a note. You can read it if first if you want to", he held it out to her but she shook her head.

"Please, deliver it to Belle", he requested.

Ana didn't answer.

"I'm putting it in this pocket, ok", Ethan said as he put the note in the side pocket of her bag.

Flashback Ends......


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