Bonus Chapter: Ana.

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After Belle stomped off to her room, Ana moved towards the couch to sit besides her mother.

"Anastasia, your dad is in your room. Waiting for you", grandma smiled at her.

Ana was shocked. She had expected her dad to not be home too like Belle's dad.

Ana returned the smile and climbed the stairs towards her room.

Inside her room, she saw her dad sitting on her bed talking to someone on his phone.

She was nervous. She hadn't met her dad in two years. He had visited to meet her thrice. She didn't talked to her dad much even when he visited.  Maybe it was because she.....she was just feeling guilty for distancing herself from her dad and was glad that she was back with him.

She promised herself to make the most of it.

"I'll talk to you later", Adrian, Ana's dad said to whoever was on the phone as soon as his gaze felt on Ana. It had been always like that.

"How are you, Ana?", her father asked her while hugging her.

Ana froze.

She felt a bit awkward.

"Fine, dad."

"That's great. How are you feeling? After you know...coming back home?"

"It's be back", Ana answered awkwardly.

"Well,.........good. Yeah", Ana's reluctance was making him nervous too.

"It's time for lunch", Ana said.

"Oh yeah, I forgot. Let's go."

Several Days Later....

Ana woke up from her sleep. She had a strange dream last night. It included her dad.

She looked around her room. She found a maid cleaning her side table.

"Where's my dad?", she asked her.

"Adrian sir went with his brothers. From what I know, they will be back till evening", she replied.

In The Evening:
"Where's dad?", Ana asked again but no one replied.

Ana was losing it now.

"Where's dad!?", Ana asked with tears in her eyes.

No answer. Everyone was trying to look anywhere but her.

"Grandpa?", Ana turned to grandpa who was looking down.

Again. Silence.

To Be Continued In Book 2.....

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