Xander, Ethan.

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Alexander was sleeping on his bed, in the boys' dorm room

His friend Jeremy shook him hardly to wake him up, "Up now, Xander. We have a class in exactly 45 minutes. Wake up! Gosh, since when did you become so lazy!"

"Well, it was expected as he was awake till three in the morning", Jackson said.

"Three in the morning! What the fuck was he doing till then!? The management takes our phones from us exactly at midnight", Jeremy asked.

"Lost in his world. Looking at the Rodriguez girl's handkerchief. Again", Jackson answered.

"The one she gave him?", Jeremy asked.

"Yup! The same one", Jackson replied.

"Aww...", Jeremy pinched Xander's cheek. "My boy fell in love", Jeremy said in a baby voice.

"Fuck off, Jeremy!", Xander slapped Jeremy's hand away from his face. He sat up on the bed and rubbed his eyes. Then he started looking around himself.

"Your phone is on charging", Jeremy assumed he was looking for his phone.

"He is not looking for his phone", Jackson informed. At the same time, Xander found the handkerchief and sighed in relief.

"Come on, lover boy! Go take a shower!", Jackson ordered.


Xander came out of the bathroom after a quick shower and looked at the spot where he hung his clothes for the day, after ironing them the night before, "Oh crap! I forgot to iron my clothes."

"I told you to iron it last night but you...My! You were busy in Xanderland", Jackson spoke.

Xander picked out a shirt from the cupboard and started ironing it. While ironing it, he remembered something. He took out the handkerchief from his bag. It was wrinkled at bit from the sides despite his efforts of keeping it carefully in his pocket. So, he started pressing it carefully. After pressing it, he lifted it up and looked at it, quite satisfied by his work.

Just them Jeremy hit him on the head, "Hurry up, lover boy! We have only ten minutes left!"

He hurriedly put on the shirt, placed the handkerchief on his pocket, took his bag and ran out of the dorm room with his friends.


It was night time. Ethan was getting ready as he had to go to the park to meet Belle.

It took him half an hour to choose a shirt to wear. Then he combed his hair. He looked at his beaming self in the mirror.

Ethan climbed down the stairs and was about to open the door when his mom called, "Where do you think you're going, young man?"

"Outside", Ethan answered.

"Where to?", his mother asked.

"To the park", Ethan replied.

"You are still grounded", his mother stated sternly.

"Mom, please", Ethan pleaded.

"No. In your room. Now!", his mother ordered.

"Mom....",Ethan started but his mom interrupted him, "You want me to phone your dad?"

"Fine", Ethan huffed and went back towards his room.

Inside his room, Ethan started to plan away to sneak out. He had never sneaked out in his life but he knew just the man. He took out his phone and dialled his number.

"Hello", the person on the other side answered on the third ring.

"I need your help", Ethan stated.

"Shoot", the other person replied.

"Help me sneak out of my room", Ethan stated.

"And why would I do that? Sneak from my dorm room then sneak you out from your room. Why would I take all that risk for you?", the other person questioned.

"Xander, please. Come on, it's not like it would be the first time you'll sneak out. I have to go meet Belle at the park but I'm grounded", Ethan pleaded.

"Belle? Belle Rodriguez?", Xander asked.

"Yes. If Belle's coming then there is a chance Ana would be there too", Ethan knew it would hit a soft spot.

There was silence from Xander's side for a while, "Ok, I'm down. I'll call you in fifteen minutes."


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