Bonus Chapter 2: Ethan.

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Ethan went home happily the day Ana promised to help him get Belle back.


He never saw Ana after that day. But he did notice Alexander. When he first came back to school after his visit from home, he was happy. But as days passed, his face started to fall.

He started to look like he wasn't well. Ethan realized that Xander was going the same phase he was going through when he heard Belle's negative reply.

One thing that bothered him was that he had been unwell because he loved Belle so, did Xander's condition meant the same?

He didn't knew.

One day, Ethan got a call from Jake, his friend who lived in Belle's neighbourhood, telling him that he saw the Rodriguezes bringing Belle back from the hospital.

He waited for her to come to school.

One day.

Two days.

A week.

He then called Jake as he hadn't seen him too in that week and he found out that Jake was out of the country. He was leaving for the airport when he saw Belle's mom, uncle and her cousin bringing her back. Jake didn't had any idea about why both the girls were not attending school.


"She won't come, Ethan", Ethan heard Xander's tired voice one day, when he glanced towards the gate from where students were arriving while talking to his friends.

He turned around.

Xander didn't say any further.

"Why?", Ethan asked.

"They left school. I saw Ana three days ago. She packed her stuff and left. Was feeling bad for you when I saw you waiting for Belle. Thought you should know", Xander answered.

"They left school? Because of us?", Ethan was so confused.

"I don't have slightest of the idea", Xander answered and turned around to go.

At the very moment, a plan triggered in Ethan's mind, "Wanna see her?"

Xander stopped.

"I know their address", Ethan confessed.

Xander turned back, "We'll get them in trouble."

"Not if we're prepared", Ethan replied.


Ethan and Xander were standing outside Ana and Belle's house. Ethan was in his normal clothes with a hoodie on, together with sunglasses so that if by chance he came across Ashton, he won't get recognized.

On the other hand, Alexander was dressed as a postman. He had two letters in his hand. One for Belle and the other for Ana. Both signed with Sophia's name on them by Ethan so that their family would think it was from their friend. Alexander had decided that if Ana came to the door, he would talk to her himself but that didn't meant that he wasn't nervous about the whole thing, "How come I am the postman while you get to hide in the bushes?"

"Are you crazy?", Ethan exclaimed. "Do you have any idea what they would do to me if they, and by they I mean that Ashton Rodriguez would do to me if he opens the door? He will cut me into pieces and mail me to France!"

"He will do the same to me if he recognises me!", Xander exclaimed too.

"There's hardly any chance that he would. He has only met you once, that too in the dark and probably didn't take much notice of you. On the contrary, me, whom he....."

"Ok fine, I get it!", saying this, Xander wore his cap.

"That's great. Just don't look up if their uncle opens the door", Ethan advised and ran towards a nearby bush to hide.

Alexander made his way towards the house. He rang the door bell. Several times. But no one answered.

"You there! Why are you here?", the old lady next door called.

Alexander turned towards her, "Got some letters to post, madam."

"Letters? The folks are not in there", the old lady called out again.

"When they will be back?", Alexander asked.

"They won't. They went back to their native place", the old lady replied.

That shocked him. He stood there not knowing how to react to the news.

"Where to?", Xander asked.

The old lady narrowed her eyes.

Alexander adjusted his cap. He felt uncomfortable under the old lad's suspicious gaze. He cleared his throat and said nervously shifting his gaze from the old lady to the ground and then back to the old lady, "Eh....I'll have to tell my folks back at the work....part of the job you see."

The old lady looked at him thoughtfully for a second or too and then finally answered, "Columbia."

Columbia? Xander didn't knew Ana was from Columbia. But the actual question was why would the whole family suddenly move there?

Xander thanked the old lady and made his way out, adjusting his cap and thinking about what he had heard.

He reached out of the society and after five minutes, Ethan came out.

When Ethan heard about Belle moving out, it felt as if someone slapped him hard. He remained quiet. Didn't say a word no matter how huge volcano eruption was happening inside him.

He felt so angry.

He was angry at Belle for leaving without a word.

He was angry at Ana for not fulfilling her promise.

He was angry at Alexander for telling him all that.

But most of all, he was angry at himself.

He didn't knew why.

He just was.


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