Belle, Ethan, Xander, Ana.

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The night was young. Party was going on since last thirty minutes. Belle and Ana were enjoying themselves with their friends.

Soon, the DJ started playing music and the students started to dance on the dance floor.

"Ladies and gentlemen! It's time for some romantic, slow dance. Hurry up, grab your parteners and gather on the dance floor", the DJ announced.

Ethan made his way towards Belle, "May I have this dance?"

Belle didn't answered because she was shocked.

Ethan was waiting for her to answer and finally recovering her shock she answered negatively.

"Oh, come on. It's just one dance. I promise it won't mean anything", Ethan pleaded.

Belle didn't answered.

"Ana, please tell her to say yes. This once", Ethan turned towards Ana showing her hus puppy dog eyes.

Belle looked at Ana and Ana mouthed a 'it's okay'.

Belle then said yes and went with Ethan towards the dance floor.

They took their place at the dance floor and as soon as the song started they danced together with the other couples.

To say that Ethan was happy would be an understatement. He was beyond happy. Belle agreed to dance with him. He had expected to be left heart broken once again  but he himself got proved wrong.

'This is some improvement', thought Ethan.

Belle was still confused why she agreed to Ethan's request. She should have shooed him away like every other time but she agreed.

She knew the reason why but didn't want to accept it. She was catching feelings for Ethan that could prove unhealthy to her family rules.

At that moment, Ethan smiled at her and she found herself returning it. Butterflies were fluttering in her stomach by just looking at his face so closely.

Soon, the song ended, instead of convincing her to stay for another dance, Ethan took her back towards her friends as promised and without uttering another word except for a mere thank you or bothering her as usual, went back to stand with his friends who started teasing him.

Belle smiled at that, 'Stop it, Belle! Fantasy's over. Now back to reality', Belle scolded herself and then she compose herself and only then she realized that Ana was nowhere near.


As Belle and Etan were dancing together, Ana was standing alone looking at them.

She glanced at the opposite side and saw Alexander looking at her. He smiled at her and she smiled back wondering when will he ask her to dance.


While when Ethan was going to ask Belle for the dance he offered Xander to accompany him and on the spot ask Ana to dance with him too but he denied saying, "Why should I? She will come and ask me to dance. She shall make the first move."

"Come on, Xander. Stop being a jerk and be a gentleman for once. Besides, I don't think she will come to you and ask you to dance with her. Her guard is higher than that. Don't you think she's different. She is not even acting according to your theory, is she?", Etan taunted.

"She is not but she will and you'll see", Xander challenged.

"As you wish", Ethan said and made hi way towards Belle.


Four or five songs had ended but neither Ana nor Xander had asked the other for a dance.

The DJ announced for the next song to be the last slow one of the night.

Xander was standing looking at Ana who was talking with a girl whose name he guessed to be Lily as he remembered it.

"Told you she was special", Ethan said from behind him.

"Well, lucky for me. I have a plan B. I will ask her to dance but then I'll start ignoring her, acting like I'm angry with her and then she will have to persuade me to talk to her", Xander replied.

"But doing that you will be the one making the first move, right?", Ethan felt so confused.

"No. I won't be making the first move. You just see", Xander straightened up.

"Watch and learn", saying this he made his way towards Ana who was standing with her back facing him.


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