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Ana and Ash got into the car.

"Wait, isn't Ryan coming with us?", Ana asked.

"No. He's annoying", Ash answered.

"Something we both agree on", Ana replied.

"We agree on many things, Nuna", Ash said.



"I thought when I'll visit, Boo Bear, you and I will go to many places. I thought you would be excited to see me....", Ana cut him off, "Uncle Ash, you know how the situation is right now. Now's not the time."

"What if I say everything is going to be fine in the next few hours?", Ash asked.

"Belle's still in the hospital", Ana answered.

"She will understand if we explain it to her", Ash said.

"I don't know. I won't like it without her. Besides, will grandpa allow it?", Ana tried to reason.

"I'll talk to dad", Ash said.

"Not without Belle. Maybe next time", Ana said.

"Fine", Ash huffed.

He stopped the car, "Get out!"


"I said get out."

"You are going to leave me in the middle of the street?"

"Really, Ana! You think I'll do that. We've  reached the hospital. Now get out so I can park the car!"

"Oh", Ana felt embarrassed that she didn't notice that they were in the hospital already.

She got out of the car and waited till Ash parked the car and then they both went inside together.

They went towards Belle's room.

"Belle!", Ana went and hugged her, "Don't ever do that again. You scared the shit out of me today, Belle."

"I know and I'm sorry......", Ana broke the hug, "Look who's here!"

"Uncle Ash!", she greeted while Ash came and hugged her and then went back towards the door and leaned against it.

Belle found it strange. Uncle Ash was not the one to keep quite. He was a bubbly and talkative person. Ana and Belle talked about some random things with Ash scowling occasionally in the back ground then he got a call and excused himself.

"What went up his ass and died?", Belle asked immediately.

"He's mad at me", Ana said.

"What did you do, Ana?", Belle asked.

"He wanted us to show him the city now that he's here. Given that you're going to be in the hospital for a while, he asked me to go with him anyways but I refused", Ana explained.

"Idiot! You should gave told him that grandpa wouldn't agree", Belle cursed.

"I told him that. But he said that in a few hours everything will be fine", Ana said.

"Really! How?", Belke got excited.

Ana told her all about from Ashton's visit from school till Ethan saving her neck and telling Sophia to do the same etc etc.

Belle stayed quiet for a minute but then smiled, "Guess I'm going to be proved innocent today. Grandpa told me that whole family would be arriving in the evening."

"That's great, Belle", Ana said.



"I wanted to tell you one more thing."

"I'm all ears."

"Anastasia, dad told me to bring you home saying you need to freshen up. Don't worry, we will be back in the evening. And Boo Bear, you're mom's here", Uncle Ash announced and went.

"He's really mad at you, Ana. Go with him."

"Not without you."

"I won't mind, seriously."

"I know but it won't be fun without you."

"So you're saying you are not going to have fun with Uncle Ash? Wait till I tell him that."

"It's not that. It's won't be the same."

"Ana, really. It's fine. I have seen the city a thousand times."

"He has seen it a thousand times too. Why the hell is he being like that!?"


"I'll think about it. Ok, see you in the evening. Bye."


Ana went out. After a few seconds Ash came in the room, "Where's Ana?"

"She just went out."


"Uncle Ash!...."


"Ana will go with you."

Ash smiled, "I know she will. Take care."

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