Ash, Ana.

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"Is that Ana?", Belle mom said, pointing at a certain someone who was going towards the hospital entrance.

"She is!", Ryan exclaimed and ran towards her while everyone else followed.

"Well, well, well. Look who sneaked out", Ryan said, crossing his arms.

Ana's eyes widened.

"What? Cat got your tongue?", Ryan asked.

"Ana!", it was her mother. She ran towards her and hugged her, Where were you?

"Mom? What are you doing here?", Ana asked.

"Where were you Ana?", grandpa asked.

"What happened?", Ana asked.

"You disappeared. That's what happened", Ryan answered.

"Ana, where were you?", grandpa asked again, this time sternly.

"What happened?", Ash asked.

"Ash? Why was Ana not in the hospital and how are you here? I thought you were sleeping", grandpa asked.

"Yes dad, I was. But Ana called me telling me that the nurse asked for this glucose drip and the hospital pharmacy was closed. So I came here and we went to the pharmacy store close by but it was closed too so we had to go to the farther one. You could have just called and asked", Ash explained.

"I would have called you if I knew you were missing too", grandpa said.

"I wasn't missing, dad. So wasn't Ana. We just went to the pharmacy to bring this", Ash said showing them a bag which was indeed filled with medicines etc.

"Well, if you would have come wake me up too when you thought Ana was missing, you would have known that I wasn't there. You would have called me and found out that I was with Ana. There! Problem nipped in the bud", Ash ranted.

"Ok! Ok! Stop it. You sound like your mother when you do that", grandpa gave up.

"And you, young lady! Where is your phone?", but he hadn't given up on Ana.

"I-I....forgot it?", Ana smiled sheepishly.

"And indeed you deserve an applause for that", grandpa mocked.

"I'm sorry", Ana apologized.

"Oh well, just go and call your father. He was about to catch a flight because you were missing", grandpa sighed.


Ana declined the call with her father after getting scolded.

"Well, what did he say?", Belle asked.

"He didn't say. He scolded me. Alot! Just because I forgot my phone!", Ana exclaimed.

"It could have been worse if I wasn't with you. Seriously! Did you not think anything through?", Ash asked.

"Ugghh! Not you too, please", Ana held her head.

"But seriously...."

"Okay! I get it! I thought it would be easy. No one would know. Besides, it was the first time I did anything like this", Ana explained.

"Oh! So you think I do this every day. It was my first time too!", Ash exclaimed.

"Stop it, both of you! The thing is, nothing bad happened. You both are in the safe zone. So stop, please!", Belle snapped.

They all became quiet.

After five minutes, grandpa entered, "Ash, time to go home."

Ash then went and then Ana told Belle about everything that happened. She listened to Ana calmly and then just said, "The sooner it ends, the better."

"And you, what about you? You said you loved him, then-"

"Ana, don't mention it. Not now. Not ever", Belle warned and Ana stayed quiet.

Belle yawned, "I'm going to sleep now."


It was Tuesday night, Ana was just using her phone when she got a text from Ryan:

Open the door for me at 3, will ya?

Instead of answering his text, Ana called him.

Ana: "No!"

Ryan: "Oh! I see. Did you forgot-"

Ana: "I didn't. I told grandpa myself that I lied. Now do whatever you want to do and stop distributing me because I won't be helping you anymore."

There was silence at the other end for a while.

Ryan: " know exactly what I am capable of."

Ana: "Fine then. Do your best. I'm not afraid of you anymore."

Ana declined the call and then sighed. It was a sigh of relief. She was now free. No more Ryan drama.


"Ana...Ana...ANA!", Ana opened up her eyes to see that Ash was waking her up.

"What the hell, Ash!", Ana exclaimed, half asleep.

"Ana! Get up!", Ash shook her again.

"Go away, Ash!", Ana mumbled.

"Ana, wake up! You gotta see this!", Ash said.

"See what?", Ana asked.

"Come with me", Ash said.

"Can't it wait till morning?", Ana asked.

"No! Get up!", Ash started pulling her up from her bed.

"Fine. Just let me freshen up first", Ana gave up.

5 minutes later, Ash was pushing a rather sleepy Ana down the stairs and took her towards the hall.

In the hall, four people were standing. Grandpa, Ana's mother, Belle's maid servant and Ana's maid servant. All with worried expressions.

Ash placed his hand on her shoulder from behind, "Ana, is there something you want to tell everyone?"



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