Bonus Chapter: Belle.

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Meanwhile In Columbia:

Everyone enters inside a magnificently decorated, may I add, a huge house. Ana and Belle look at their surroundings while entering inside, probably remembering old times though none had the look of happiness they should have had on their faces. Maybe because what they had to leave behind to be there.

Their grandmother walks out of the kitchen where she was the whole day inspite of the pain in her knees because she wanted to see that the desert was just the way her granddaughters liked.

She hugged everyone with tears in her eyes, "No one going anywhere now! You all don't realise how lonely it is here without you children's bickering."

"We're not going anywhere now grandma", and Belle hugged her again.

Then Belle remembered it, "Where's dad?"

"Oh!...he had to leave for some business."

"Business? He knew I was coming today!", Belle exclaimed.

"You know how it is dear."

"The way it is, is anything but fair."

"Belle!", her mother shushed her.

Belle picked up her bag, "I am in my room if anyone remembers that he has a daughter too."

Belle stomped upstairs.


In The Evening:

"Belle!", Belle's dad,  popped his head from outside Belle's door. May I come in, madam?

Belle, who was using her phone, ignored him.

He entered inside anyway.

"Look what I brought for you, he said, showing Belle her favourite pack of chocolates."

Belle ignored him.

"I heard you didn't ate", he continued.

Again. Ignored.

He glanced at the number of juice boxes on her side table, "I can see how that went."

Belle glared at him but them concentrated on her phone again.

Her father took her phone from her hands, resulting in a gasp leaving Belle mouth and threw the phone on the couch.

Belle then started concentrating on her nails, maintaining her stance.

"Belles, come on! Quit it. You know I tried...."

"Save it", Belle cut him off.

"Belle, after five years I get to look at my daughter...."

"It could have been less than that if you tried to visit her."

"I'm sorry...."

"You promised. A hundred times!"

"I tried."

"That's the thing, dad. You see, you say that you wanted to visit me but did you actually did?"

"You know it's not like that."

"If you really missed me, then you would have done anything to stay today", Belle said.

"I tried my best. I...."

"Dad......just know am old enough to understand that you never try!", Belle burst, jumped off the bed and ran out of the room.

To be continued in book 2....


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