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Ana was making her way towards her locker thinking about recent events.

Ethan's note, specifically.

It had been four days since winter vacations ended and she had been noticing Ethan. He was looking paler day by day. His eyes had dark circles underneath it.

Looking at him, Ana was feeling more guilty day by day. She planned on confronting Belle about it that day.

And Alexander, he was last on her worries list. He had been acting strange, though.

Suddenly, she stumbled upon something and landed on her knees and palms. She winced immediately as she felt the cut on her hand open and blood oozing out of it.

She heard two or three boys laughing at her. They had done that deliberately just because they were bored. Ignoring them, she sat up straight and started inspecting her hand.

Someone came and stood besides her but she didn't look up. The boys stopped laughing and then only Ana looked up to see Alexander glaring at those boys who had pushed her.

Those boys went from there and Alexander sat on his knees and hesitantly as if scared that she will push him away, took her hand in his and looked at it.

He hissed as he looked at the wound which had worsen. He immediately opened her bag's zip in which Ana kept her first aid kit. Ana was surprised that Alexander even knew where she kept her stuff, not that it was the first time. When she came back after the winter holidays, her locker was a wreck. One of the girls who lived in the school dorm told her that she saw Alexander at it.

She let Alexander treat her wound knowing she won't be able to do it herself and the class had started ten minutes earlier and Sophia or any of her friends won't be available till the next forty minutes.

Alexander took out the gauze to cover the wound back but it was not enough to cover it. The gauze roll was 'out of stock' so Alexander took out his handkerchief from his pocket and covered her hand with it.

Ana stood up after placing her kit back in the box and picking up her back, mumbled a 'thanks' and went.


The next day, Ana went to visit Belle with Belle's mom. She couldn't tell Belle about the note the day before as she had to go to the doctor to get her wound checked after she 'fell'.

Belle's mom was called by the doctor and Ana too that as an opportunity to tell Belle about the note.

"Belle, I had to tell you something", Ana started.

"Yes?", Belle was extra cheerful that day.

"Just know that I did it for you. I had to hide it away from you. You weren't well. You had a nervous breakdown just because of a card and this....this", Ana said all that in one breath but stammered at the 'note' part.

"Ana, is everything alright?", Belle asked.

Ana took out the note, "Ethan gave this to me on the last day of school before winter holidays and I didn't tell you because you weren't well."

Belle opened it and read it. She was unexpectingly calm after reading it, "It's ok, Ana. Not that I'm going anyways."



"Do you love him?"

"No and you know it."

"Yes I know you do."


"''s wrong. You should go and tell him."


"Belle, he...."

"Ana, step out of the dream world. Alexander liked you. You liked him too and look where it led you.....", Belle pursued her lips soon as she said it. She knew she pushed it too far.

And that was it. Ana dashed out of the room while Belle kept shouting, "Ana, I didn't meant that! Ana, it just slipped out! Ana!...."


Next day, Ana was in her bed still in her night clothes,using her phone when Ash came inside.

"There's a thing called knocking, you know", Ana said.

"Which, does not exist in my world. Besides, it's not like you have someone in here or do you?", Ash teased looking under Ana's study table.

"Just get out of my room already!", Ana scoffed.

"Why does it smell like someone died in here? And where the hell is it coming from?", Ash started smelling around like a dog, making her way towards Ana.

"Go away!", Ana knew exactly what he was about to do.

"Mom!", Ana shouted again when he didn't leave.

"Where is it....where? Where? Where?......AAAHHHH", he jumped on Ana's bed and started tickling her, "IT'S COMING FROM ANA!!! Why? Because she didn't showered!!!!"

Ana tried to push him away, "MOM!....MOM!!!"

"WHAT?", her mom shouted back making  both Ana and Ash stop.



An evil smirk appeared on Ash's face, "See. Even your mom knows not to mess with me. Now get up and have a shower real quick."


"We have to leave to visit Belle in half an hour. And it's Sunday too, you wanted to go to the mart too, remember? What wrong with you?"

"I'm not going."

"What? You always want to go there. Every day."

"But today, I don't. How hard is that for you to understand!"

"As hard as rocket science. Now get up!"

Ash tried to pull Ana from the bed but Ana pushed him off it.

"FAT COW!", Ash called out.

"FAT BULL!", Ana called back and pulled the covers on herself.


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