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<Chaeyeon pov>

I went back to go in my car to get something when suddenly i bumped into someone ,she looks at me confused and i looked at her too..

"Sorry,i didnt mean to" she said and remove her shades..

"Eunbi?" i said closing my mouth looking up and down at her..

"Chaeyeon?" she said..and grabbed my shoulder and then she hugged me so tight..

"Wh-why a-are you still alive?" i asked and stuttering .

"Honey! lets go" someone said from behind..

"i need to go" eunbi said and walked away..

i hold my chest ..i run towards sakura and  she asked me so many question..

"why are you running you look so scared" sakura said while drinking her glass of wine..

"I saw eunbi alive "i said and she stared at me putting her glass of wine..

"Thats impossible maybe you're just drunk"she said and ignored me..

"i really saw her believe me!" i said trying to convince her ...

"Yah!! lee chaeyeon!! eunbi is dead already dead! maybe its just your imagination " she kept saying thats not true..i really saw her and i cant believe she still alive ..first nako and now eunbi who will be the next?hyewon?.

"Ahmm? you must be the mother of chaewon?" a girl asked while holding her black bag..

"ah yeah second parents meet my wife sakura" i said as i bow and introduced sakura to her ..

"Ahh nice to meet you im kang seulgi" she said..

"and this is my wife kang irene" she introduce i can see she remembered me about eunbi..they look twins..

"hi.."she bow too as i bow too..sakura did the handshakes with them..

"Are you Kang eunbi's friends or something?" they both asked we shook our head..

"Kang eunbi?"nako asked..

"Ahh yeah im sorry shes married hehe so its kwon eunbi anyways" irene said..

"wait?kwon eunbi?" sakura put her glass of wine back on the table still shocked..

she took her phone and let us see who is kang eunbi is..after showing it to us we are all shocked and i know already that kwon eunbi is alive but the question is how?..

"Wait ? you guys didnt know that kwon eunbi is already dead? a years ago" sakura said we are all nodding about it , irene just laugh.

"well you guys just asked her i cant tell its her privacy " irene said and smiled at us before going away..

"i guess im sorry for not believing you" sakura said and put her hand on my waist..

"How?"nako asked..

"maybe she faked it too because we didnt even saw her corpse when she died "sakura said and i nodded..

"Auntiee.."chaewon called..

we smiled at her like there is no problem she looked at us and hugged us for the first time..shes being sweet at us..

"Wow! chaewon what happened you've change" Sakura said i pinch her..

"Ahmm can i and minjoo go out for a minute to have some air "she asked us for the first time ,im not used to it..

"Well, you can now" i said and tap her shoulder then mrs.sana came..

"granddaughter where are you going?"she asked..

"out grandma with minjoo can i?"chaewon said as her grandma smiled like she win the lotto..she sudden kissed her granddaughter and let her go..

first time seeing chaewon being happy with her own im happy too..i remember the old chaewon...im kinda hurt when i see chaewon its like our memory with her mother coming back to me..

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