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<chaewon pov>

i woke up at the hospital and saw minjoo laying her head down looking at me while holding my hands..

"Grandpa is now dead chaewon"minjoo said.i sigh and smiled at her ..

"What about your mom how is she?"i asked..

"Shes okay"minjoo said. i saw yujin with her wheel chair coming closer to me.

"chaewon your auntie wants to talk to you"yujin said in a serious way like..

the nurse helped me to get up from the bed and minjoo did it as well..

we arrive to the room where auntie chaeyeon looking seriously to auntie sakura ..

"auntie"taehyung called too and we both entered there with all my friend around the room..

"Whats happening"i asked

"..."but no one answered me..

"C-chaewon"auntie sakura called with tears dripping from her eyes..

i walked closer to her as i smile at her and wiping her tears thats keep on falling..

"Whats going on guys?"i asked again but taehyung just hold my shoulder ..

"Take care of yourself chaewon auntie is now going goodbye to you"auntie said while holding my hands so tight she then slowly closed her eyes make us cry so bad..

"No..you cant you said you will always be here auntie"i said and burst in tears right now while hugging her so tight ..


"auntie no"

"dont leave me.."

"Excuse me"the doctor said..and check auntie sakura ..

"s-sakura"auntie cried while touching the door...she kneel on the floor while crying so loud .me as well.

"C-chaewon"minjoo called hugging me while im hugging minjoo so tight..

"Auntie~shes leaving me again like my parents did to me"i said still crying then the doctor came out and tap my shoulder..

"Shes okay she did it "the doctor said and i was like?really? i wiped my tears and went inside the room i hugged her again..

"You really want me to stay"auntie sakura said while her eyes were still close..

"of course auntie"i said and smiled at her still hugging her so tight..

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