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All the people are now celebrating for something..

sakura still looking at eunbi in a scary way ..eunbi noticed it and ignored her..

"sakura are you okay?"her wife chaeyeon asked leaning her head on sakura's shoulder..

"Im okay .."sakura said...with no emotion ..

"sakura..can we talked?"eunbi says it and excuse the both of them..

"what?now? are you happy seeing chaewon with no family?"sakura asked straightly..

"I lost my daughter i know how it feels"eunbi said looking into the cliff..

"Do you still remember this cliff?"sakura asked and let her self took a deep breath ..

"Yeah full of secrets"eunbi said and trying to smile but she cant..

"We are both traitor"sakura said as she smile at eunbi make eunbi smile at her back..

"Are we good now?"eunbi asked..sakura sigh..

"one question"sakura said seriously ..looking at eunbi..

"i want to kill mr.kang"sakura said in serious face waiting for eunbi's answer..

"I dont think its easy"eunbi said ..sakura hold her hand..

they didnt know someone looking at them ..while their holding hands..hyewon on the other side and chaeyeon on the left they are looking at both of them..

"Eunbi?He's not belong there in the jail "sakura said..

"How about my family?they are in danger if i do that"eunbi said..with some worried expression to her face..

"Live with us"sakura said still begging

"ill think about it"eunbi said and let go from sakura's hands but hugged her ..

"Thank you"eunbi last word and walked away..

sakura was about to go but she saw chaeyeon who is standing right there ..

"h-hey"chaeyeon said ..but sakura ignored her ..

"did you two fight?"Hyewon asked chaeyeon and keep laughing at her ..

"No.."chaeyeon said and makes a sad face..

"they are the best partner a cheater one"hyewon said ..she receive a loud slap from chaeyeon..

"dont compare eunbi to my sakura ,hyewon"chaeyeon said..

"that hurts"hyewon groan and touch her face..

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