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At night almost 12:00 am but still minjoo trying to call her brother also chaewon. they stuck into a place where there's no more people around..

"how am i supposed to go home"minjoo said ..

"I think we are going to sleep here there is no signal"chaewon said ..

"Im with wild animal named chaewon again"minjoo tease..

"Wow!Shame on you"chaewon said laughing like this is the happy day in her life..

"Sorry for what i said minjoo"chaewon said .sincere.

"Well love hurts"minjoo said..but the conversation getting serious now.

"mmm.."chaewon keep looking around just to ignore minjoo who is looking at her..

"Chaewon""minjoo"they both laughs realizing they both called each other..

chaewon looked at her phone and was about to throw it but minjoo grab it..

"yahh! how can you throw this kind of phone"minjoo said looking at chaewon's phone she accidentally saw her face on the screen..

"ehhh?im your wallpaper?"minjoo said and chaewon grab it and ready to throw it..

"yahh!"minjoo shouted.


"dont throw it"minjoo said..

"Its ugly"chaewon said..

"Its an iphone how can you hate that?"minjoo said..

"I dont like my phone without youre number in it"chaewon said thats make minjoo blush..

"ok add my number now"minjoo said..chaewon smiled at her..

they sat behind chaewon car and starts having a normal conversation like friends conversations..

"you bringing beer ?"minjoo asked as she saw a snacks and beer on it..

"Yeah me,taehyung and yuri likes bonding in here so."chaewon said and sat in there..

"if you want you can grab some"chaewon said and opened a can of beer for minjoo..

minjoo drank it like a juice for her even its bitter.

"Slow down girl!"chaewon said laughing at minjoo who keeps on drinking and eating snacks..

"Minjoo?"chaewon called..

"there's snake behind you"chaewon joked but didnt expect for minjoo to jump on her while hugging her..

"Im just joking"chaewon said. they met each other smile .chaewon looked down minjoo's lips.

"Yah~"minjoo said while pinching chaewon cheeks ..

"Wah~this is so cute what is this"minjoo said keep on squishing chaewon face..

"I guess you're drunk"chaewon said holding minjoo's waist..putting minjoo's can of beer down..

"thats my beer!"minjoo said pouting..while chaewon falling for her so bad with minjoo's cuteness and beauty..

chaewon sigh ..

"You're drunk minjoo i think you need sleep now lets go inside"chaewon said helped minjoo to walk straight..

"Im not .."minjoo said..pushed chaewon away and sat again drinking beer ..

"come here dont drink"chaewon grab the beer again and put it down while minjoo is now looking at her mad..

Chaewon moved closer to her face their nose are now touching each other ..

"Stop drinking"chaewon said kissed minjoo just a peck one but minjoo looked at chaewon serious and pushed chaewon harshly to her..

"mmm~"chaewon moan as minjoo keep on kissing her without breaking it..

"woah~"chaewon reaction and took a deep breath..

chaewon moved closer and kissed minjoo again without breaking it as they continued until minjoo hold onto chaewon tshirt to push her more closer..

After the kissing kissing thing minjoo opened her mouth a little bit to let chaewon tongue entered there ..

Chaewon bites minjoo's lower lip..

"rawrr!"chaewon said and let minjoo lay down..

"Fuck me chaewon~"minjoo command and pulled chaewon again for another kiss ..

chaewon goes to minjoo's chin down to her neck..she saw many mark on minjoo's neck its because of her...

*Click* sound of the camera clicking,a girl staring at them while sharing love at each other..

"Wow ...chaewon you're so wild this going to break you reputation mr.kang would probably like this"the girl said..


"Hi mr.kang"the girl greet mr.kang.

"Any news?"mr.kang asked..

"well "she throws the pictures that she took a while ago ..

"wow my daughter and granddaughter "mr.kang said looking at her daughter and granddaughter having sex with their girlfriend..

"i didnt know hyewon would do that to sakura's wife"mr.kang said laughing with the girl with her..

"Am i good?at spying?"the girl asked and mr.kang nodded..

"I didnt regret for choosing you as my slave you were this good and i feel that i can trust you,thanks for this"mr.kang said and starts to smoke with the girl..

"whats next?"

"Just keep on spying them until they're company knows how dirty she is"mr.kang said..


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