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"You guys wake upp!!"sakura being an alarm clock to yuri and taehyung..she then quickly goes to chaewon room..

"Chaewon!"sakura shouted into chaewon ears..

"FUCKKKKKK!!! AISHHHH!! really in my ears?"chaewon said in a mad tone ..

"Go take a bath and we are going somewhere"sakura said..


they arrive at the place where there are some people shooting and holding a gun..

they arrive at the place where there are some people shooting and holding a gun

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"Are you new here?"a japanese guy said ..

"Yeah i want you to teach this three"sakura said as she sat on the chair ..yuri who look so scared about the guns ..

"Dont be afraid yuri im here"chaewon said..

they pick their own position chaewon is in the middle both taehyung and yuri are next to her..

"You need to look straightly..and ofcourse chill when you're holding it"the guy said..sakura being proud ,she already know that chaewon can make it even without practice..

she keep looking at chaewon..




(a/n Bang bang bang!!!😆)

chaewon cant wait and put some bullets on it and starts shooting ..the guy is now scared of what chaewon doing..

"let her"sakura command..not wanting to disturb chaewon from shooting ..

"wow amazing!!"taehyung said as chaewon smirked..

"Finish!"chaewon said and walked out from there..sakura who keeps following her..

"where do you think you're going"sakura said as she stopped chaewon..

"Im going to party!"chaewon said..

"bish ! im coming with you!"yuri said as they both went to the car and drove away ..sakura was left there with taehyung..

"aishhh~she really likes ruining my day"sakura said..


at the bar..

chaewon just stared at her phone waiting for minjoo's call.
she then looked at her own wallpaper..

"Hey girls want to come with us"a random guy said

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"Hey girls want to come with us"a random guy said..

"No thanks"yuri said rejected the guy who asked them..Chaewon is now drunk still looking straightly at her phone..

"you really miss her why minjoo is not answering your phone call anyways"yuri asked but she already can see that chaewon is already sleeping heavily leaning her arms and head on the table..

"You're pretty chaewon but i still hate you when you're awake"yuri said drinking and staring at chaewon ..

"Evil in the morning at night you're kinda goodgirl" yuri said and put the glass on the table and called taehyung quickly..

"Minjoo~a"chaewon sleep talking starts as yuri heard it and laugh trying to hold her laughter..

"Yes?"yuri pretended to be minjoo..and starts teasing chaewon who is drunk right now..

"why didnt you answer my phone call?~ahh~no need youre now here"chaewon said and opened her eyes she saw minjoo to yuri..

yuri regret for acting to be minjoo .she sigh and chaewon began to hold yuri's face..

"Ahmm because im kinda busy this day dont worry about me"yuri continued to act ..as she laugh after that she cant take it anymore..

"Yahh! wake up im yuri "yuri said slapping chaewon face many times ..

"fuck you !"chaewon said and glare at her ..but then fainted..

"Hey!"taehyung called and saw yuri laughing..

"Why are you laughing like that?"taehyung asked and she saw her sister who is sleeping again..

"Lets go now"yuri said and help chaewon to walk..


they arrive at home they can see sakura staring at them..

"Ahh?this figure again a drunk girl coming in my mansion again"sakura said and let them entry to their room..

Yuri went to chaewon room and throw chaewon on the bed..

"gosh!!youre too heavy"yuri said.she starts to change chaewon clothes to a better pajamas she remove chaewon shoes too..

she grab hot water and towel to put it to chaewon ..yuri didnt expect chaewon to opened her eyes and vomit into her again ..

"AISHHHH!!! YAHHHHH!!! Cmon why its always me ?you can vomit on the floor but not to me!!"Yuri shouted and slapped chaewon arms..

"S-sorry"chaewon said.unexpected sorry from her..

"Hayss"yuri sigh..

<yuri pov>

hayss another mess again..

i went to my room for a second to take a shower and put a better clothes .when i finish i went back to chaewon room because i know she needs me there..

i put the things that i used a while ago and put the blanket all over to chaewon ..

"Goodnight!"i said..

i was about to go and opened the door when she suddenly hrab my wrist .she wants me to stay..

she sat on the bed..and turned to looked at me..

"Why are you so pretty?"she said ..i laugh.

"well i know that already"i said and rolled my eyes...after that i pushed her back to lay down on her bed and i left..

i need sleep..

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