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<Hyewon pov>

i decided to let eunbi and jungkook go in japan for a few months and i will stay here..

this is a secretly flight of them i planned it just to protect them..even my father has a good eyes..

"Arent you coming with us mom?"jungkook asked.

"i will but not now son..protect your mother there okay?"i said and he nodded as they both went inside the plane..

im waving at them ..as i turned around and i bumped to a someone..

"...."we both looked at each other...

"Chaeyeon" "hyewon" we both said..

i smiled at her..

"nice to meet you mrs.miyawaki chaeyeon"i said and pat her shoulder then i went out of the airport..

i just saw my ex ..

I went inside my car and i starts to insert the key of my car..

as i starts to drive looking in front so serious when suddenly my phone rang..

"I have an information for you mrs.kang"seulgi said and told me about it..

"what is it?"

"i heard your father talking to sian and i have a bad feeling about this..they are talking about your daughter"seulgi said ..

"What else?"

"sian is on her way to go at the airport"she said ..i stopped the car..and turned into a speed limit as i turned to the other way to return to the airport..

"Maybe your daughter is there or she probably following jungkook and your wife eunbi"seulgi said..

"ill call you back thanks for the information"

"its my wor——"i ended up the call and drive as fast as i could..

"FUCK "i shouted and hold the steeling wheel so tight i dont care if im gonna bumped into someone car ..

I stopped my car and saw sian wearing shades ..she entered to the airport..
as i followed her..

"Ma'am check in"the guards said ..

"i have only my phone"i said they let me entered ..i lost sian..

"You're following me arent you?"someone asked behind..'its sian'

"I know eunbi is there"sian said pointing to the plane..

"what did you plan?"i asked..and she smiled at me like what im doing to her too..

"Bomb!"sian said...

"Really?then show it to me"i said calmly and she show me the phone that probably connected to the bomb.

she slowly pressed it..

"Boom?"i laugh when the bomb didnt even explode..

"sian youre such a stupid and waste of time"i said laughing while holding my stomach..

"W-why"she said keep pressing the phone..

"now tell me ! where is my daughter"i asked but she laugh at me back..

"i wont tell it to you what am i? an idiot?"she said smirked ..

"arent you?"i said.not making her offend but its just the truth..

she grabbed my collar and starts looking at my eyes i looked at them too..

i grabbed her too and i carried her and throw her away thats make her to fall into the chair where the people sitting at..

"AISHHHH~~~ARGGGGGGG"she groan..

"Tell me "i said..the guard starts to help her..

"Arrest her" i command..and show them the phone thats shes using..

"evidence"i said and throw it to them ..

"Yahhhh!! we're not finish yet"she shouted..

"of course we're not youre going to tell me where my daughter is..Ill give you money more than my father gives to you agree or not?"i said im being serious right now i dont care about my money..

"how much?"she asked..

"how much my father give to you?"i asked too looking at her seriously..

"1million"she said..i smirked..

"Ill give you 50million"i said..

"Are you kidding or being serious"she asked ..

"Im serious do i looked like im joking?"i said ..

"Ok ill tell you"she said..

'she really an idiot'i said in my mind..

"You're daughter is now drinking coffee"she said 'the fuck?'

"Many people drink coffee"i said and she laughs..

"ofcourse im just kidding"

"Being blind with money sian?"i said..

"Alright its minjoo.."she said and smirked at me..she then run away..i run to reach her ..

"YAHHH!! come back"i shouted while still running so fast ..she jumped into a table and i did too..

She slipped because of the guy..

"Oopss im sorry"the guy said he looked like chaewon...

"Felix!!"he guy run away after his friend called her i think...

"Grabb herrr"the police said and finally grab this girl..now that i know my daughter name ..

i saw chaeyeon who is about to go get in to her car but i followed her andgrab her wrist and called a taxi driver we both went inside..

"Just drive"i said to the driver of the taxi..
i am panting..

"the fuck?i need to go back there"chaeyeon said keep pushing me..

"excuse me maam are you a kidnapper?"the taxi driver said while driving..

"No .." i shouted .

"if you have feelings for me sorry i love sakura than you"she said i laugh and looked at her unbelievable..

"im here to talk about my daughter minjoo"i said..

"Are you crazy ?why are you owning her as your daughter are you going to use her after what you did to chaewon's parents i cant believe you"she said ..

"Look i just want a DNA test and if minjoo is my daughter i will get her and if she isnt my daughter then okay"i said she think about it first and agreed to me after...

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