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<Minjoo pov>



"can i court you i know how many times i told you about this but just give me an answer"yujin said..

"Yu——" i was about to answer it but jungkook pulled me and pushed me to an elevator with chaewon in..

both of us were shocked,then jungkook wave and press the elevator..

chaewon press all of the number thats make me confused right now..what if we stuck in here?am i going to die?

"what did yujin says to you?"chaewon asked while crossing her arms then looking at the elevator so serious ..

"hmmm she wants to court me i didnt answer because jungkook pulled me here"i said ..

"Whats your answer i want to know im just curious"chaewon said ..i looked at her ..shes look like a mad fairy..

"Hmmm its gonna be a yes since ive been single for a years and no ones courting me"i said trying to make her jelous but that's impossible..i looked at her expression and her hands like shes ready to punch but trying to calm instead..

"Do you think yujin is good for you?haha you dont know her well,a cheater"she said with her evil laugh..i dont know whats going on her..

"Are you jealous?"i asked..

"Im not..are we even in relationship?"she said.

"exactly we're not" i said and rolled my eyes..

"Ok your decision but dont cry after that!" she said and the elevator is now opening..i pulled her back and press all the numbers again..

"what the fuck!"she said and looked at me so mad..

"Tell me the truth"i said..glaring at her..

"thats the truth .im not jealous and we are just bestfriend im just concern and worried "she said ....

"Do you like yujin?"she asked ..

"Yes" i answered even im not sure about it ..

"Now tell her now..what are you waiting for?" she said thats make me feel so sad..what if she likes me back but afraid to tell me..

here we go again double thinking..

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