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<Minjoo pov>

Im thinking keep thinking what chaewon doing right now..is she happy there?

"Minjoo!!"mrs.sana called me so i went downstairs so fast ..

"chaewon is on the phone want to talk to her?"mrs.tzuyu said..

they handed me the phone and i started to say 'hello'


"Chaewon..i really miss you"

"same here"

"what are you doing right now?"


"of what?"

"thinking about you mamei~"

"does dadei fits on me?"

"well slight"

"Ah hahaha im going now give me kiss "she said thats make me more happy .

"is this what ldr feels like?"

"Yeah ..i promised to call you everyday"


"promise til death"

"You're making me blush you know that?"

"i really want to see you hayss"

"i really want too"

"just wait.."

"Can you sing a song for me?"

"I cant sing minjoo"

"such a liar"

"okey okey dont be mad ..1...2..3"


"Nobody can love you like i do,i do"

"nobody adores me like you do, you do oh~"

"nobody annoys me like you do, you do"

"nobody treats me the way you do, you do"

"i have loved you so much,but not this much"

"i care and appreciate you and you're enough"

"thats enough are you happy?"

"yes..i am always"


"im going now"

"Take care chaewon dont forget to eat" i said ..

"MUWAHHHH!!!"she starts making sound like a kiss on the phone..

"i love you"

"i love you too"

(a/n remember by jemay santiago❤️)

we ended up the call together after that i went to her room which is my room too i saw some picture of her..

my phone sudden rang..

"minjoo prepare"auntie chaeyeon said on the phone..

"oki"she then ended up the call and i starts to prepare my self ..

after that i told them im going on somewhere they nodded..

"Minjoo we are having a secretly dna test"she said and i am confused why am i going to have dna test..?Omo! did she just found my parents.

"hi minjoo"mrs.kang hyewon greet me..

im now confused..

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